Monday, April 30, 2012

I Am You

... And You Are Me...

Ever feel like the world is trying to tell you something?

I've been a part of Weight Watcher's Online for over a year now and I've struggled with it. When I attended the meetings I found that the accountability I was held to was what I really thrived with. It was almost like a competition and I loved, loved, LOVED the praise I received at the meetings. Man, that gold 5 star was like a coveted prize!

Unfortunately, now I live in the country and meetings are inaccessible to me. They are at times that I'm working or they are far enough away in scary places. It's just not the same.

But the commercials. Oh, man. For a while, when I wasn't following the plan they were in my face and I was annoyed with them. Then I started following again and they kind of stopped. Or I didn't notice them as much. Now that I'm kind of falling off again... There they are. I swear. Every time I turn the channel... there it is.

What are you trying to tell me? Are you trying to make me sit up and take notice? Are you trying to remind me of what I'm supposed to be doing and what I'm not doing?

Well... Good Job.

I got the message.

Today might be a melt-down kind of day, but they can't all be sunshine and rainbows. The main thing I need to do is accept that I'm not going to always win but as long as I try and do my absolute best.. no one can say crap about me.

And so it goes...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

...It's On Like Donkey Kong...

Dear Captain Butterball;

You are ruthless and a low-down dirty player who doesn't play by any rules but your own.

As darkness settles over the land and my weary, tired army is resting to prepare for the next day's big battle, you send your sneaky, seductive secret player into the field.

You have tempted and tantalized and tortured my brigade and we will not stand for it any longer!

No longer will we play fair. You want to fight dirty... then dirty we shall fight.

You think I am some weakling who cannot defend myself or my people but you are wrong. I am strong and stubborn and I will not settle for your abuse anymore. Taunt us all you want, but we have a few tricks up our own sleeves that will grind you into a fine pulp.

You might have won THIS round, but sweet revenge and victory will be mine in the end and you will be left on the battlefield squealing like the pig that you are with your tail tucked between your legs. 

Prepare for battle.

Sincerely Yours;