Monday, October 29, 2012

Oh Halloween... Why do you wreak so much havoc on my life?

. . . I feel like giving up right now. Not that desperate, I'm never going to get anywhere kind of give up. But rather... Take a break.

Between now and New Years... Eating is ridiculous.

Bowls of candy. HUGE dinners... Parties. Snacks... I feel like my head is going to explode and Halloween hasn't even come yet! Ugh!

I get so bored and frustrated with keeping track. It becomes mundane so I'm thinking about cancelling WW's and just being mindful of what and how much I eat. Then starting over in January. I plan on starting over my Soda-Free campaign and I am determined to make it this time.

Must think this over.

     Must REALLY think this over.


  1. Ok, so I have to give my 2 cents.

    Yes, this is the WORST time of year...I am dreading it myself and will be the first to admit, I now have to buy MORE Halloween candy, because we have half way eaten our way through the first box of 120 bars we bought. Me being the biggest culprit! Really, they are the perfect portion sz bars, but when you eat 10 of them....not so much.

    Hmmm...I love's my mortal enemy.

    Now for the serious, makes me feel old speech! :-) I say all I am going to say with honesty, love and support, because I don't just mean you in's advice I give myself, even if I don't always take it.

    I get what you are feeling. Weight loss SUCKS! It is hard work, it is boring and repetative. Sorry, but it doesn't get less so over time either.

    I can almost 100% promise that if you quit WW, you will fail! If you are not as successful as you would like while using the successful will you be without those checks and balances. I would be back up to where I started in no time.

    Those 5 pounds it takes more than a month to lose, can go back on in a week! Perhaps you need to re-think the whole WW online thing and get yourself to a meeting, whether WW or TOPS. Make it some point, you will put yourself first and bench the excuses. I used to say, "oh, I can't exercise on such and such a night because there is a show I want to watch on tv!" After a while, I was able to tell myself that nothing is more important than my health, so everything else needs to take a backseat.

    You have made great strides, think about how pleased you were after your Dr's appointment?

    Perhaps it is also time to consider that maybe right now is not your time to do this. No shame in it. Take a break until the new year if that will make it better. You have to do it for yourself....YOURSELF!!!! That is the only reason that will get you through these tough times...make you brush yourself off and get back on track.

    Last week was horrible for me....too much candy, skipped my TOPS meeting, etc. I'm over it...I had my fill of crap and want to hit the streets at full tilt again!

    So, consider are not disappointing others....consider how you will make yourself feel.

    Lots of love!!

  2. That's kind of what I was thinking of doing... just taking a break for a while. Not giving up totally... The thing is that I really want to have kids and I don't think I can because of my weight. But for some reason I just have a lot of trouble losing. I'm just going to pray about it and try to figure it out. In the meantime... I ate so much junk last night I am sick to my stomach. :-(
