Wednesday, September 14, 2016

She was unstoppable not because she did not have failures or doubts but because she continued on despite them... (Beau Taplin)

So last week I gained 4lbs and went back up to 309. I admit that I didn't do so well last week. I had several sodas, desserts, greasy burgers, pasta... I did do some walking but not nearly what I have been doing.

I wasn't expecting much last night at weigh-in but I was pleasantly surprised to learn I had lost 5lbs. I couldn't be biggest loser because I wasn't at the meeting last week... but I was happy nonetheless.

Little Man is sleeping, so I'm catching up on quiet things around the house. I turned the television on and am watching Roseanne. It's one of the episodes where Roseanne and Dan are dieting. They get rid of all the junk food and exercise more. At one point, Roseanne goes in the bathroom to take a hot bath and once the doors are closed, she pulls out a container of Pringles and sits in the tub eating them. How many times have I done that? No one is around to witness it so it doesn't count, right? I'm trying really hard to break that habit. If I buy a beef jerky stick at the store, I write it down. Sure... No one else sees it but it's still there.

My husband thinks my metabolism has finally kicked on and good grief, I hope so! I need all the help I can get on this journey! It kind of feels like it because I feel more full all the time and therefore eat less. I think I'm finally over my little slump and beginning to get back into things. I've decided not to keep track of the miles I walk but rather to make sure I get some kind of exercise in. I figure two miles a day is better than none!


  1. Good job girlie!!

    I had a couple of rough weeks and am about 252! I REALLY REALLY REALLY want that 250! Maybe this week!

    Any exercise is good exercise! I still think you should join my friend and I on our next virtual race in October! We have both got our medals since our first one and they are freaking AWESOME!!! Both of us are super proud and motivated by it. I will touch base before we register for our next one and see if you are interested

  2. I would totally love to! I know it usually costs money, so I'd have to speak to my "Financial Advisor" about it before I can commit but I was so jealous of the last one you did! I wanted that medal! LOL! Please let me know details if you would! :)
