Wednesday, October 5, 2016


... Is the glue that ties commitment to... Results.

In my previous post I mentioned that I wasn't hoping for much in the way of a loss last night at weigh-in. I was right... but it wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I only gained 2.8 to bump me back up to 306.4 lbs. Chump... Change. I can lose that this week and MAYBE a little more.

I've been slacking on the walking for some time now. With the weather being cool and rainy, it's been hard to find motivation. Yesterday, Little Man and I walked 1.5 miles. He got to be pulled in the wagon, so i wonder if it was more of a work-out than before with the stroller. But he enjoyed it and I felt better.

I got $50 in spending money to get whatever I wanted. I chose to get a new pair of jammies and a new shirt. Both in 22/24. I tried the shirt on this morning and it's really tight. I hate how sizes are so off. The jammies fit comfy. Not too big but not tight either. It's so frustrating. Now I have to decide if I am going to keep the shirt until it fits or take it back and get another one or just take it back and be done. I have a lot of guilt when I buy myself something. I got half way home with my new purchase and I almost turned around to take them back. I started thinking about how my husband's birthday is coming up. How Christmas is coming. My dad's birthday. Little Man needs clothes.... We need money for groceries. On and On and On.

But anyway... On to a new week. :-) Hoping to do better this week and get back in control. I already know that Sunday we are having junk food... So I will be good up until and after so that I can have a "cheat" day... But I have already declared it a soda-free week. We'll see how long that lasts. :)

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