Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ready To Move On...

My D&C was done last Friday and it was a horrible experience. My ob/gyn prescribed Misoprostol for me to take the night before to help start things. I wish he hadn't because honestly, there was so much blood I was freaked out. And most of it happened at the hospital. As if that wasn't enough, they couldn't find my labs and it just seemed like one thing after another. Once I was in my pre-op room with my Mommy (yes, even though I am 30 now, I still need my Mommy!) I was able to clean up and relax. The surgery didn't take long... about a half hour and I woke up coughing and crying. I didn't know they were going to use a breathing tube. But I felt a LOT better about a LOT of things. I still struggle emotionally, dealing with the grief and loss of my baby... but I hold fast to the hope that I will be blessed again.

While I wait for my turn, I am trying to start over. I have rejoined Lose It instead of Weight Watchers. It's free and it works, when you follow it. I'm trying to cut the soda down (I was drinking WAY too much and eating WAY too much following my miscarriage) and start drinking more water. My bf and I have been eating a LOT of salads lately... So yum! Just waiting for the veggies to come up!

As for the exercise, I have really been thinking about Zumba again. There's a class at my church/work on Thursdays and Tuesdays... and it's only $10 a week... If I'm not paying $18 a month for WW... I think I might be able to swing it. Gotta think about it a little more.

So I'm keeping my chin up and I'm keeping the faith. Better things are coming.... I can feel it.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you have had to deal with so much lately.

    I think it's a great idea to look at this as a fresh start. Zumba class sounds awesome, I hope you DO sign up for it
