Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Last night's weigh-in had me kind of nervous. Usually, I try not to focus on the numbers on the scale alone but by my clothing and towels and so on. Lately I've been feeling very bloated and big... but the scale keeps going down.

This week I went down 1lb. Before, I would be discouraged. ONLY A POUND? Really? I count and measure and work at it for little to no changes? Really? Well... I'll take it. Slow and steady is good for me. As much as I'd love to wake up tomorrow and be thin... I have to remind myself that it didn't go on in a night or a week. This has been 20 years of bad choices. Honestly, I'm more proud of myself for doing it the right way. I'm teaching myself to be more conscientious of my choices and portion sizes. It's really cool to have so many people wishing me well and cheering on my successes. It actually makes me want to do better. With the holidays coming up, I'm not planning on losing. If I maintain, I'll be happy.

So while I was sitting here thinking about my loss... I realized that 1lb is equal to 4 sticks of butter. If I can just keep doing that... I'll be good.

Weight this week: 353.6

Happy Losing!

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