Monday, January 2, 2017

One Pound At A Time

 * a resolve, a determination or decision

 * a declaration that something will or will not be done,given, etc., by one.

My promises to myself for 2017:

1. Continue working on my health. I have been slacking over the holidays and I believe that I deserve a break. Luckily I haven't completely sabotaged myself to the point of being where I was at the beginning of summer, but now it's time to get serious. I expect there to be ups and downs, good days, bad days, heck... good moments vs bad moments. But... It's not in the trials you've been through, it's how you deal with them. I hope to use them as a learning experience and get back on track those off days.

2. To grow in my faith. I have been seriously lacking in this department lately and I can feel it. How does this tie into health? Well... If I don't take care of me, I can't take care of others. On days that I am happy and my soul is well fed, I'm more likely to want to exercise and make better choices. When I am "down in the dumps" I am more likely to mindlessly eat and be sad. I'm not saying that I expect to be happy all the time, but I need to return to my faith because I find that I miss who I was when my soul was well. I miss being involved and that amazing family feeling I got from my Church and Church family. I've been working on a gratitude journal every night before bed. I try to write at LEAST 3 things down... but on the days that I can maybe write ONE, I am happy with it. I've also been trying to do my devotionals and doing special one with my little guy (who's not so little). 

3. I am attempting a NO-SODA year. I've done this before (Or as my mom says... doing that soda thing?) and made it all the way to August before. I am hoping to make it the WHOLE year. Last year I didn't attempt it but rather just played it day by day. It worked, most of the time, but once in a while I'd get caught up and go over-board. I'm just going to try and do without it.

I'm sure there will be other smaller goals and mini-goals I will try to accomplish this year (Planning on a no candy/sugar month... just not sure when!) but those are the big ones. By this time next year, I want to be able to buy clothes in the store... not having to buy everything online. It's expensive for shipping and such but also... bigger sized clothes cost more anyway.

I hope that you make your goals/promises/resolutions this year. We can do this and we deserve it.

Happy New Year.

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