Goodbye 2012...
... Hello 2013...
So in light of 2012 ending, many people are posting about New Year's Resolutions and looking back on the year.
Well here's mine......
.... I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions because they are always broken. I will, however, make a promise. A promise to myself. A promise to God.
That promise is to always be true.
Be true to who I am as a person. Be true to who I am in God and to God. To be the best person I can be whether I am a size 10 or a size 20 or a size 5.
I promise to take care of myself and I think... all along... that's what I've been missing. I've been so focused on changing and becoming some one... or rather some THING... different, I've lost sight of who I am. I can't change who I am until I have accepted me as I stand and live and breathe.
2012 wasn't a horrible year... It just kind of was. It isn't up to the 2013 to make my new year a wonderful one... It's up to me. I have the power, I just have to learn to use it.
So I hope that your new year is filled with success, love, happiness and lots of smiles and blessings. I know mine will be.
Happy Losing!
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