Monday, April 22, 2013

... So it's been a while since I've written. Mostly I've just felt like I've had nothing to say. I get tired of saying the same things... I can't lose weight... I'm not strong enough... I don't have enough money... Do you HEAR the whining on those sentences? Ugh.

... I had my visit with the doctor last week and she said that I'd lost 7lbs in the past year. Phew! I was afraid I'd gained but I'll take what I can get. It kind of cracked me up because her scale said I was less than what mine said. I'm not entirely sure which one is right... maybe neither!

... I am rejoining weight watchers and starting on friday. Why not start today, you ask? Because... I need some time to finish my menus and I wanted to pick a day that I will be responsible for. Weighing in on friday will give me time to get over the weekends and bounce back if I need to. Those seem to be the most trouble.

... I am being proactive about the weight watcher's thing. My work has a menu we follow weekly... so I wrote them all out and am figuring out points for everything so that I know that one cup of this is 4 points and half a cup of that is 5. I am really hoping that will help me out.

... The end of this month... wait... it IS the end of the month... my boyfriend and I are putting up a fence in the front yard for our fur-baby to run around and get his exercise. It'll be work putting it in and hopefully we will be inspired to move with him. Not only that but we are going to start getting the pool in shape for the summer. I am so excited!

... Not only are all these wonderful amazing things going on... but the boyfriend asked me if I wanted to take a week-long trip to Florida to meet his dad this December! HECK YES! So that will be motivation for me. I want to see how much I can lose before the start of December! It will be awesome!

... Well there's an update for y'all. I'm still here. I'm still kicking and working on it. I'll get there. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love motivation like that with meeting the boyfriends dad!! You can do SO much in the months leading up to the trip. Surround yourself with motivation as you are on your journey. Take a picture of yourself and put it up on a mirror or somewhere you walk past everyday and remind yourself you do not want to be that person anymore. You will be AMAZED at all the positive changes in your body. I have lost 58 lbs in 10 months and I have to say one of my favorite things so far about weight loss is that I sing 100% better than I ever thought. So much so that people comment on how nice my voice is!!

    Start keeping track of those non scale victories, make a collage of them all to remind yourself that you are working for those.
