Monday, September 2, 2013

I am ashamed to admit to this but I am at 348.7lbs.

Am I surprised? Not really. The last couple weeks have been such constant yo-yo with everything that happened in July and trying to get back to normal to all the stress of work. Hopefully that is all over with now and I can focus on what's important.

Today I start with a clean slate. No more soda. Yup, that's right. No more. I totally have been binging the last couple weeks with the heat and just basically giving in to myself. I don't need the soda. I know I can go without it.

I'm pushing myself into working out again. And by working out I don't really mean... working out. I plan on attending Zumba on Tues/Thurs and hopefully (Weather permitting) walking the days I'm not dancing my ass off.

In addition to this, I am going to start really watching portion sizes. Mine have been ridiculous. It's hard because my bf eats. And by eat, I mean he EATS! But he's a guy and that's "normal" for guys. My dad was the same way. BUT... Mike was complaining yesterday that his jeans barely fit... so I know it's not just me. He already cut back his soda from one daily at work just one or two on weekends.

I feel disgusting. My side feels like I split a muscle... my knee has been hurting the last few days and I know I need to change. It's a constant on-going battle. I hate looking at myself in the mirror because I just see how bad I look and I know others see it too. But as much as I wish someone else could just change me... they can't. It's no one else's duty but mine.

What can you expect from me? Well, it's not like I have a TON of followers reading my every entry. I'm lucky if I can get maybe 5. But in a promise to myself to be true... I hope to update at least 3 times a week and once on weekend. Any encouragement, healthy recipes and that sort are always welcome. Super welcome.

I'm going to give this my all because when you get down to it.. I really want my peanut. I want my peanut like you'd never believe and I want to finally feel better about myself. I don't deserve this. No one does.

To a new year. Why wait until Jan 1st?

1 comment:

  1. I was just reading Chris Powell's book, Choose to Lose More. It is a very good book, I suggest to anyone trying to lose weight to read it. There are a lot of great tips and one of them is to make 1 promise to yourself. Make a promise that is attainable, something that is not over the top and reach that promise. After you fulfill it move on to another one. Do not make crazy promises because if you do not attain it, you are only hurting yourself in the long run. Post this promise in three different places of the house. I have my promise in my bedroom, pantry and car as my constant reminder. Good luck!
