Saturday, August 17, 2013

. . . The scale said I gained - a lot - last week which I was not surprised about! I kind of went a little overboard the week before... So it's not like it was a shock.

. . . My co-worker, Britt, said that she noticed I'm losing weight. She said when I turned sideways that I looked thinner and that my face looked thinner too. She thinks maybe I was gaining muscle since we've been very active with the kiddoes at work.

. . . I haven't really been watching what I eat this week but on the flip side... I haven't been going crazy either. I find that the more I focus on food... the more I worry about what I'm going to eat next or where my next meal will come from. If I try to focus on other things... I kind of forget about food. Which is a good thing.

. . . My co-worker/friend, Britt (as mentioned before), is going to start Zumba with me next month. Would start it now but here's my reasoning...

       My hours will be changing because I am now in a new "Classroom". I will be working 8:30a until 5p. Zumba is Tuesday (5:30-6:30p) and Thursday (6-7p). It will be perfect timing for me!

. . . That's right... My center was up for Accreditation and each classroom has to meet a certain number to become so... well... my classroom and I reach the number desired... and I work on my own. So I am going to be the new teacher of the preschool program. It'll be nice because I will break from 11:30-12:30 and that's when lunch is in our center. Since I won't have to eat with the kids... I can take my OWN lunch and make it however I want to. I'm very excited.

So there's an update. I know I haven't been writing as much as I should be. Things have just been so stinking busy the last couple weeks.

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