Friday, August 2, 2013

I had my post-op appointment yesterday. Doctor said everything was fine and that after a month I am clear to try getting pregnant again. We talked a little bit about weight management because I would be a high-risk and have lots of complications because of my size. I told him that it's been an on-going battle and it'll never be over. I told him that I am working on it and trying and this whole "situation" has really opened my eyes.

This week I have been off since Wednesday. I have been cooking and baking like crazy! I miss it. I'm sure my recipes haven't been the healthiest but I've been trying to modify them and eat not as much! Plus the fact that I've been so busy running around and doing things... I haven't had time to sit and munch!

My latest indulgence.... Greek Yogurt Flips... LOVE the choco-almond!

Oh and does any one eat LUNA bars?? I tried one today... Chocolate Drizzled Coconut and it has 9g Protein and 3g Fiber plus a bunch of other stuff... Been thinking about buying a box to eat for breakfast... Any thoughts??


  1. I LOVE Luna Bars! They are my absolute favorite, I could live off of those things and be satisfied for the rest of my life. The Coconut is so yummy! I say keep them coming.

  2. I've never had a LUNA bar, but have heard lots of people talk about them.

    I have been on holidays and it always reminds me how much I love the "home maker" lifestyle.

    Yes, you are correct. Your weight management will be ongoing....for life.

    I was about 278 during my pregnancies and my family doctor told me with the first one to lose weight during it. That was easy because I had no appetite.

    Do you want to lose weight before you get pregnant again? And I don't mean hundreds of pounds.....even 20 lbs would make a difference. Why not give yourself a time frame to work on it before making babies again ;-) Work your ass off (literally) for the next 6 months.....perhaps with that goal in mind, it will motivate you.

    You can do this....think how bright the future is! I am now going to get off my soap box and practice what I preach!!

  3. Amy --

    -- I am already making changes. Instead of ordering take out or fast food I am finally cooking again. Healthy stuff! Well okay... healthier! LOL.

    Plus I am moving around a lot more. Sure, I have my days after work where I lay on the couch but Mike and I have been getting at each other to take walks with Snickers after dinner. When it's nice and cool. They aren't power walks or anything more than a leisurely stroll up and down the road but I figure that even getting out and moving is helping.

    I am still a firm believer in just letting things happen but I'm not going to hold my breath while I wait for it. Which means I am trying to lose weight at the same time as trying. Since doctor recommended waiting at least a month before starting... I figured that was a good time frame to get started. See how much I can chop off by then.

    I am motivated because I really want my peanut... And if it takes me losing some weight to get my peanut then so be it. :)

    Thanks for the advice and working through this with me! I appreciate it! :)
