Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Good morning! What a beautiful morning it is and I am so happy that you stopped by. I hope this past week was good to you and that you see nothing but happiness and success this coming week!
Goal: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.
How many of you made New Year's resolutions? How many of you kept them? Gave up on them? Most people rarely keep them and for this reason, I quit making them. Instead... I try to make "mini-goals" for the week. Last week I made the goals to write everything I ate down and to drink at least 2 bottles of water. I kept neither. When you think about it... If you made a promise to your best friend you'd most likely keep it in hopes of not letting them down. So why, why is it that when we make promises to ourselves... we so rarely keep them? Somehow, we have to make ourselves a priority and I whole-heartedly believe you can do this without becoming obsessively self-absorbed or selfish. YOU should be your first and most best friend. Think about it... YOU are the ONLY person you will see consecutively EVERY day. If you hate yourself or despise yourself... you'll be miserable. If you love yourself and care about yourself then you'll be happier.
Believe me when I say I understand how hard it is these days. There's so much pressure on us to be the best and to take on more and more and more... but at some point... for the sake of your own sanity... you have to learn to say NO to others and YES to yourself. I don't mean ignore the kids and leave them fending for themselves (but c'mon.. who hasn't wanted to lock themselves in the bathroom for five minutes peace?) but do you really need to be the classroom helper this month? Do you really have to make perfect bagged lunches every single day? Personally, when my son was born I tried to be Super Mom... I didn't accept a lot of help from others because I didn't want to be seen as someone who couldn't handle motherhood. I paid for it. But then I learned that it was okay to ask Nana to watch the baby so I could go to the Dr's and get my hair cut. I learned it was okay to let Daddy give the baby a bottle so I could just sit and breathe for a few minutes. I learned it was okay to tell Daddy that, even though he works and I stay home that he STILL needed to take the baby a couple nights a week so I could get more sleep than 2 hours a night. IT'S OKAY to get help. It doesn't make you weak. It doesn't make you any less of a superhero. It makes you human. One thing I learned from my counselor (yes... I was in counseling for a year or so...) is that you need to take 15 minutes every day and make them your own. Read a book. Sit in silence. Dance. Cry. Whatever you need to get it out... do it.
So what does this have to do with resolutions and goals? If you make a PROMISE to yourself to eat veggies only for a week... Do it. It's for you and it's what you need to do to make yourself a priority. If you don't take care of you... then you can't really take care of anyone else.
This week... I have decided to redo my goals from last week. To be more successful I am being pro-active. I picked out a notebook (I have so many blank ones lying around because I tend to buy them a lot...) and have it already open and on a fresh page for today. I washed out my big green water bottle that holds 32oz and filled it to the top. It's already half gone. This, I consider, is a big plus for me.
At my TOPS meeting last night we did a quiz on Nutrition. I would like to share with you what I found out.
* Regular table sugar is NOT less healthy than brown sugar and honey.
* Meats do NOT contain fiber... it is only found in plants. (I don't know why this shocked me...)
* You should be eating between 20-35 grams of fiber a day. A member mentioned that 30g AT LEAST will help you lose weight.
* Almonds, collard greens, figs and soybeans all give you calcium. I would never have guessed that about figs and collard greens!
* Eggs, fatty fish, milk and mushrooms give you vitamin D... Again.. didn't know that!
* One cup of yogurt has more potassium than a medium banana, cup of broccoli, 3 oz of halibut and a cup of OJ. Mind. Blown. I always thought bananas had the most. Even 1 cup of broccoli has more potassium than a medium banana!
* McDonald's Large Fries contains LESS sodium than BK's large chocolate shake, BK's veggie burger and Dunkin' Donuts corn muffin. Everyone was a little shocked at this one!
This week I saw a gain. Not much of one... but still.
Previous Weight: 352.8
Current Weight: 353.2
(Gain of 0.4)
Some food for thought:
**Don't watch the Clock... Do what it does and KEEP GOING!!**
Good luck this week! :-) I'm thinking of you and hoping the best!

1 comment:

  1. I'm late to the commenting part (not the reading part)

    I'm so happy that you have not given up. A good friend of mine suggested making daily goals....perhaps you should give that a try. I know I can easily be overwhealmed by weekly ones.....don't log for one day? Screw it, I blew the whole goal, etc.

    When I'm focused, it works! Can't wait to read more....keep on blogging!!!!
