Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last night I lamented to my brother about today's weigh-in. I felt I did "okay" but not "GREAT" and I was dreading the scale. But the scale was my friend... this week.

But what a busy week I had.

20,000 some - odd steps on Saturday alone. A very personal best as I struggle to get to 5,000 + above. When thinking about this, I picture myself as a race horse, lined up at the starting gate. When the gate goes up there's a cloud of dirt and the thundering of hooves but as all the dust settles, there's me -- way behind and slowly meandering and occasionally stopping to smell the flowers or graze on the bright green grass. But this week has blown me away.

Every Thursday I start a new "week" and I had set a goal to walk 10,000 steps - three days. After my 5K and walking -- not riding -- in the parade equaling my total of 22,107 steps (and yes, I *AM* bragging!) I figured I could take Sunday off. My legs needed it! Even getting out of bed was a challenge -- every time I stood up I felt like I should hear some kind of cheering but all I heard was the moaning and groaning from myself. But in the end, the 5K hyped me up. Adrenaline rush? You betcha! Not that I actually RAN it or finished it in a decent time frame, but that's not the point. It made me feel good. Confident. Gave me hope. It also sparked a flame inside. A need. A want.

I want more races.

     I want better times.

          I want to be able to RUN it . . . 
                                   . . . but I'll still register as a walker.

There's a program called "Couch to 5K" or C25K and my friend has been doing it. Says she feels great. She actually craves it. What the heck! Bandwagon? Sure as hell I'll jump on it! I was home alone Monday night. Unusual but I'll try it. Now, I'll use the treadmill but honestly, I'm not crazy about it. Hate that tipsy "I'm stationary but feel like I'm still moving" feeling. Running on the road is TOO public. Things jiggle where there should never be any jiggle. Plus I'm afraid I'll blow out my knee and be unable to get a hold of anyone. Run around the house? Momma always warned me not to to... but again... Home Alone.

After the five minute warm up... I've got this. The dogs are watching me curiously, but I don't care if they see jiggling... who are they going to tell anyway? Sixty seconds of running... first "lap". Okay, I CAN do this. No biggie! Ninety seconds of walking... not too bad (If you're unfamiliar with C25K... The first week starts with a 5 minute warm up followed by sixty seconds of running and then ninety seconds of walking until you've run a total of eight times... then a five minute cool down). By the second "Lap" I thought it was a piece of cake but my legs hurt and my blisters were tender. "I'll just go to number four and then stop".

     Yeah . . .

          . . . Okay.

"COME ON! KEEP GOING!" I told myself after finishing the fourth lap. On to the fifth. Then the sixth and before I knew it... I was being told to cool down.

Wait a minute! Back up! What just happened?

I finished. Week One - Day One complete... 10,000 steps plus achieved.

Next night ... Week One - Day Two complete... 10,000 steps plus achieved (Without the dogs watching me like I'm insane as I jog around my house).

The next night poses a problem as I'm not home alone. So... in the confines of my bedroom... Week One - Day Three complete.

      9,990 Steps.

               Go... Figure.

Fitbit's next challenge... 25,000 steps in a single day.

Able to clear tall building's in a single leap? Well... not so much.

     25,000 Steps in a single day. Maybe next week...
          ... Then again... Maybe not!

Happy Losing!

Ps. Down 3.1 this week!

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