Friday, June 15, 2012

The scale was my acquaintance this week. 

Down ALMOST a pound but not quite... but I can feel the difference in my body and my confidence. Still have a long way to go but I'm so getting there.

1. Last night, Mom and Papa were grilling out. I asked for a small hamburger and then Mom asked if I wanted her to set aside some potatoes for me. I said yes please. A little while later she returns and hands me a paper bowl with about 6 salt potatoes in the bottom sitting in about an inch of melted butter. Uhh... thanks Mom? I ended up cutting up 4 of them and stirring them in the butter to get them a little covered and then removed them to my plate, leaving the rest for someone else. I had my burger without a bun and with only ketchup and mustard... and a pickle. Which is free.

2. Today I completed Day Two of Week Three on C25K. It's a challenge but I'm doing just fine on it. This week I'm working on running 90 seconds and then walking 90 seconds... running 3 minutes then walking 3 minutes and then doing it all over. By the time I'm through my second 3 minutes running... I'm feeling it but the sweat is sweet.

Alice says she can still see the change in me. I can't really... other than the clothes... but it feels good. I sat down the other day and figured it all out... I've lost 5.8lbs of fat so far. I love that about my scale. It tells me the body fat % and the body fat weight. I keep track of it along with my actual weight. It's nice to see the numbers going DOWN and not up!

Well... I gotta keep my moving. My goals this week are to walk 10,000 steps 4 days this week and to make it 5 miles 3 days! Can't get there by sitting on my bottom!!

Happy Losing!!

1 comment:

  1. It's unfortunate when you face opposition to your progress, especially from family members who "don't get it". I get that from coworkers now and then who see me eating something "bad" and ask "aren't you training for something?". I usually smile, say "yes, what are you training for?" and walk away. :)

    What type of scale do you have? I have the Withings wifi scale that uploads my measurements for me and syncs with LoseIt. Makes life a lot easier for logging. :)
