Saturday, June 2, 2012

Star light... Star bright... First star I see tonight... Wish I may... Wish I might... Have this wish I wish tonight...

* There are some days that I wish I could just wish all this extra ME away. Especially after my slip up last night... which made me sick. Literally... Sick. First off... I had two chocolate chip muffins and two oatmeal-raisin cookies at work. I was HUNGRY as I didn't get a lot of lunch. It wasn't too bad. But then I started developing a headache. When I got home, my parents were leaving to go shopping (No doubt to buy more food we don't need and will most likely never eat....) and asked if there was anything they could get me. I said no thank you and went back in my room. As I was sitting here... I was hungry. So I went to Wendy's and got a spicy chicken sandwich and a bacon/cheese baked potato. Not the best but not the worst. Oh and add on a medium Cherry Coke. Big Mistake. 

When that was done I was full. But after a while I started getting bored and just wanted more. I've been craving chocolate so I "stole" one of dad's Pb cups and had a cup of milk with it. That was fine. I was over in points but it wasn't TOO bad. Then they came home and mom hands me a personal pan pizza (*Gasp*) and I just sat there... and ate it. Even though I wasn't really hungry. I ate it. 

I'm ashamed.

But I can't very well take it back. So I'll just have to live with it. In addition to that she threw one of those giant hershey bars at me and told me not to ask her for chocolate. 

Come on! Just ONCE! Really?

I think I may hide it in my underware drawer... Or maybe that's not the best place for it... I'll figure it out. 

And on a happier note... today is race day. Last night, I started thinking about it and panicked... Just how long WAS a 5k... Did I just sign up to walk 10 miles and not even know it? So I looked it up and Pssshhh it's 3 miles? Really? That's nothing. Well not really nothing... it's something. It starts off up hill but I climb that hill a lot so it's not so bad. Here's the kicker... I'm totally walking TO my walk and walking home from it! I'll so get more than 3 miles.... 

Happy Losing!!

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