Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Plooper survived Weigh-In #1.

I lost 1.4lbs this week. I'm kind of surprised because with Friday night and Sunday... I didn't make the best choices. But I am excited either way. It felt good!

I have to figure out how to keep the momentum going and step it up. I've been drinking a LOT more water this week... I only had two sodas this week and very little chocolate. I've been trying to have more yogurt and I really need to step up the fruits and veggies.

Happy Losing!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

*Shaking my head*

I was so bad yesterday I am ashamed!

I don't know what got a hold of me but I just couldn't stop eating. I wasn't feeling great to begin with. I was mad about stuff going on at work... I just couldn't stop shoveling it in. According to my calculations, my "friend" should be visiting next week sometime. Someone told me that if you load up on dairy, like yogurt, the week before, it'll help curb cravings. I might have to give that a try.

I feel so gross today I don't even want to eat anything. I saved my big soda cup from last night, washed all the ickies out of it, filled it with water and put it in the fridge to cool down. I KNOW that if you drink from a straw, you consume more.

I also think I am going to write down my TOPS pledge on an index card and keep it with me at all times. That way, when I feel like going almost 1,000 calories (Yes, that's about the damage I did yesterday!) I can whip it out and remind myself I deserve better!

Redeem myself Saturday... Ugh!

Happy Losing!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

I didn't get a chance to post Tuesday about my 2nd meeting.

I stayed the same.

Which is good, in that I didn't gain... but bad in that I didn't lose. No one to blame but myself. Too much chocolate and the likes.

Yesterday I messed up. A lot of today too. My work has been stressing me out and I just mindless eat. Peanut butter cups? Ok! Usually I don't keep a lot of chocolate in my house but the bf bought some for Halloween. I guess that's a good sign that we still have some and haven't devoured it all yet, but at the same time it's still there.

Today I feel big. My shirt fees tight and I am just out of breath at everything. I just feel fat.

This weeks weight: 355.6

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Today is about the halfway mark in my 1st week of Tops... I've been making an effort to really track and "be good". I think I've been doing pretty decent... at least better than I was.

Yes, I am still eating candy but I count it out BEFORE I consume it... so I only take 5 mini pb cups or 1/4 c. peanut M's instead of taking a HANDFUL and counting it out after I've eaten it. Plus, I've only been allowing myself to have 1 or 2 servings of chocolate a day...

Work has been so crazy lately that by the time I get home, I crash. I need to figure out a new thing for exercise. I saw a ballet video and I kind of liked it... so I think I might buy that. I usually take my laptop to work so maybe during naptime I can pop in one and bust out a 15 minute something or other.

Well, I got to go eat some yummy homemade beef stew! :)

Happy Losing!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Meet Plooper...

Plooper is my new best friend. Why - you may ask... well... This week I decided to bite the bullet and join TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly). I weighed in at 355.6lbs... Which I know is NOT great but at the same time, I have not gained back all I lost before. But, back to Plooper. One of the contests we are starting is an Octopus Contest. We all made these out of yarn and other crafty items. The deal is... if you gain, miss a meeting or forget him... You have to chop off a leg. I know, I know, I know... sounds cruel and I am certain that IF (big if) I have to amputate... I will more than likely cry. So the goal is to have the most legs because then it's $1-2 per leg you have left.

So please pray for Plooper... That he doesn't lose any limbs and that I have the strength to keep him all in tact!

In other news... I haven't been doing too bad. I've really been making a conscientious effort at keeping track and "being good". Yesterday was so hectic, I didn't have time to eat until I went home and I tried not to go crazy. My bf and I were arguing about M&M's. I said I wanted 10 and he wouldn't let me go over 8... but I took a "heaping" 1/4th cup. But then I went back for another. And then I went to bed.

I need to start getting going on the exercise thing. I know that eating better and less will help but it's not all I need to do. Hopefully when I get my craft room worked out upstairs I'll be a lot more busy.

Happy Losing!