Saturday, November 16, 2013

*Shaking my head*

I was so bad yesterday I am ashamed!

I don't know what got a hold of me but I just couldn't stop eating. I wasn't feeling great to begin with. I was mad about stuff going on at work... I just couldn't stop shoveling it in. According to my calculations, my "friend" should be visiting next week sometime. Someone told me that if you load up on dairy, like yogurt, the week before, it'll help curb cravings. I might have to give that a try.

I feel so gross today I don't even want to eat anything. I saved my big soda cup from last night, washed all the ickies out of it, filled it with water and put it in the fridge to cool down. I KNOW that if you drink from a straw, you consume more.

I also think I am going to write down my TOPS pledge on an index card and keep it with me at all times. That way, when I feel like going almost 1,000 calories (Yes, that's about the damage I did yesterday!) I can whip it out and remind myself I deserve better!

Redeem myself Saturday... Ugh!

Happy Losing!

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