Thursday, November 14, 2013

I didn't get a chance to post Tuesday about my 2nd meeting.

I stayed the same.

Which is good, in that I didn't gain... but bad in that I didn't lose. No one to blame but myself. Too much chocolate and the likes.

Yesterday I messed up. A lot of today too. My work has been stressing me out and I just mindless eat. Peanut butter cups? Ok! Usually I don't keep a lot of chocolate in my house but the bf bought some for Halloween. I guess that's a good sign that we still have some and haven't devoured it all yet, but at the same time it's still there.

Today I feel big. My shirt fees tight and I am just out of breath at everything. I just feel fat.

This weeks weight: 355.6

1 comment:


    It will be hard at first, but then liberating!

    Great job on staying the same. Don't look back, just ahead. You've got it for this Tuesday!
