Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I must apologize for my previous post. It was too early in the morning and I'd barely gotten any sleep and was way too emotional.

To the person who commented on it... Thank you.

I went to the store today and bought myself a half gallon of fat-free milk so I would hopefully, stop drinking my parents whole milk. Sometimes it just tastes too good.

I'm about to seriously go over my points for today. I have a whopping 2 left for dinner and dessert... And I'm pretty sure I blew through all my extra points as well at some point this week. I guess for tomorrow I will just try to stay within my limit for the day and not go crazy. 

Falling off the wagon is so hard. At least for me. Most people have figured out how to brush off and start over. I just go into a downward spiral faster than I can scream. It's almost like I mess up thursday (the day my week starts over) and then it's like... I already messed up so I'll start over next week. I need to get out of this mindset. 

My parents went grocery shopping which left me home alone for a bit. A very rare treat for me! After I got mad at myself for sitting here eating potato chips and drinking a soda, I popped in Chris Powell's The Workout DVD and did level 1. 

Yeah, yeah. 15 minutes of low-impact workout. Seems easy? Ah-Ha! 

My legs literally feel like jello and my tummy feels tight. It feels good and I think it was just the boost that I needed. 

Just because I am on vacation this week doesn't mean, in any way, shape or form, that I can just simply give up. I refuse to give up.

Chris Powell has been an inspiration to me. His compassion and his huge caring heart for the people he works with just amazes me. He never belittles them or forces them to do anything, he encourages them to change and better themselves. What I wouldn't give to be on his show! I just need that person in my face, pushing me and encouraging me. 

I feel renewed and excited. I am breaking open my Temptation Jar this week for a trip to the Falls on friday with a friend. It won't give me much but it'll be something to help with the costs and a wonderful way to reward myself for not giving in to temptation these past few months. I can't wait! My friend and I are going to hike to the falls (it's only like a mile and half) and then spend the day on the beach and have a picnic... Which I am buying all the stuff so it's up to me what goes in the cooler! :-)

Anyway... I'm in a much better place right now than I was this morning. Thank you my loyal and faithful readers.

Much love and keep losing!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you "revised" your thoughts on your other post....I got worried about you while reading it.

    HOWEVER!!! I understand that feeling of hopelessness that one can feel during this whole process....the road can be so long with no end in sight.

    Do your best to make small changes...getting your own milk is a great start. Do you go shopping with your family? I get the impression that they are not 100% supportive of you. Have you considered sitting them down and having a SERIOUS heart to heart with all of them? Tell them bluntly and honestly how you feel. Not that you expect them to make those changes with you, just support you in YOUR efforts!

    I'm rooting for you all the way from Ontario!

    Smiles and hugs!!
