Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This entry isn't really weight-loss related...

And maybe on some level it is.

I don't know.

I feel so frustrated with everything and everyone in my life. Sometimes I wish I could just pack up... walk away and never look back. Some days I'm convinced that no one would ever miss me and other days I know there are people who would.

I'm just so sick of the empty and broken promises from people. I'm tired of relying on other people when it's so damn clear to me that the only person I can rely on is myself.

And half the time I can't even rely on myself anymore.

I'm so unhappy with where I am. I am unhappy in my job. My living situation. I'm unhappy with people in my life.

I know that running away wouldn't fix anything. Problems just follow you wherever you are... but sometimes I think it'd be nice to fall off the face of the earth... even if only for a little while.

I just want to give up on everything but it's not possible. I know this is just a meltdown kind of day and I'm just way too tired... but I'm so tired of feeling like this.

I want my own place.

I want to know what it's like to be happy again. To be self-sufficient. To be free.

Instead... I just feel squashed. Beaten down. Tired.

*Sad Face*

1 comment:

  1. Sending hugs from afar!

    As I get older ('cause you know, I'm at the ripe ol' age of 34 now!) I realize that life is what you make it and in the end, you have to do what makes you happy!

    If moving out is going to make you most happy...then you need to figure out a way to do that. Find a roommate, move to a new location, etc.

    Don't like your job? Can you apply elsewhere?

    You're right...running away won't change it....HOWEVER getting away just might!

    Not that I am sure you haven't come up with these solutions yourself or anything.

    If I had my way and it wasn't for my parents (because I am lucky enough to have a wonderful relationship with mine) I would move back North (The Yukon, Canada's Alaska!) The jobs were pretty plentiful and the lifestyle was fantastic.

    Don't be afraid to make drastic changes like that. Those 2 years in the Yukon were some of the best in my life. They changed me and helped mold me into the person I am now!
