Thursday, August 16, 2012

This week has been filled with so much heartache and frustration... I honestly felt like just giving up on everything and everyone... Myself included.

But with the storm also comes the rainbow and blue skies and I feel that those dark clouds are starting to roll away.

For the first time in a very long time, I went for a walk after work. 

I didn't push myself... it was more of a de-stress and time-"waster" (I had plans last night and just wanted it to be time to go) but it felt so good with the sun on my skin and the white puffy clouds and bright blue sky. The music on my iPod was inspiring and put a little swagger in my walk... lol...

My theme song for right now... STAND by Rascall Flatts. If you've never heard it... you should look it up because the lyrics definitely speak to me.

I made a promise to recommit to myself yesterday. I made a promise to myself that I WILL do this and I'm done making excuses. I can find time to make junk food and I can find time to eat it... I need to find time to exercise and make things right in my world.

I focus a lot on other people. My job is all about helping others and being around others. I need to find time for myself and if people can't understand and respect that... I don't know what to tell them.

Yes, my living situation isn't the greatest... but just because the garbage is here doesn't mean I have to eat it or be a glutton. Sure, I can enjoy my favorite stuff as long as it's in moderation and it's not over-board. 

I moved my weigh-in day up from Thursday to Wednesday. I am hoping maybe the change will make me reevaluate my choices and mix things up a little. Scale said I was down 1.2 or something like that but I'm not entirely sure I believe that. It was on a different day!

Thank you for all the support, love and encouragement. It's such an awesome feeling to know that other people care about me and my well-being and are cheering for me. I know I cannot do this alone.

Happy Losing!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear the grey skies are clearing for you!

    Get out and enjoy the sunshine while it's still here!
