Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Today proved to be frustrations of epic proportions!

My Plan:

6:30-7:15 -- Wake up, Dress, Take care of Snickers (Put him in bathroom, radio on...)
7:15-9:15 -- Work... (Driving times included)
9:15-11:15 -- Snickers time... Make juice for breakfast and one to take to work for lunch.
11:15-5:30 -- Work.
5:30-?? -- Make Juice for dinner... relax... take Snickers for a walk (if decent out).

Yeah... Right.. *Rolling my eyes*

7:15-8:30 -- Work... Front desk calls and asks me to work 7:30-4:30. I told them I would, but I need to figure out what to do with puppy. He's in my bathroom with no water or food and has only been outside ONCE. They said that was fine and asked how long I needed. I said maybe an hour... they said I could then work until 5. Uhh No. Someone will be up at 9 so I can go take care of puppy.

I called my mom to see if she could watch Snickers until about 11:15-11:30 because my M-I-L was going to pick him up after her doctor's appointment. She's freaking out because my dad has a doctor's appointment at 1:45p (He was in the ER this weekend with really bad leg pain that ended up being arthritis... but his blood sugar was 337 and his bp was high) and he's so drugged right now. It took me 15 minutes to explain to her what was happening... We came to an agreement that I would drop Snickers off at her house... she would take care of him and then bring him back to MY house and leave him in the bathroom. Phew....

But... But... But...

I was unable to make ANY juice for the day like I planned. Last night I felt sick and didn't eat anything when I got home. So, naturally, I was hungry today. I ended up eating an apple... then for lunch we had (Ohhh this was tough!) grilled chicken, white potatoes (with butter and parsley), tropical fruit and biscuits. I REALLY wanted to eat... I struggled hard with this... so I settled on 2 biscuits (with a little butter from the potatoes) and about 3 white potatoes. And water. And that was it. I immediately regretted it because my tummy got all upset. Later on I had another apple and that seemed to help.

But the damage is done. Hopefully I didn't make too much of a mistake but it wasn't cool to just not eat anything... And I tried to be careful.

When I got home, I was so stressed and pissed off. Hungry and tired... I didn't really want to eat but I knew I had to. So much for the 80 veggie to 20 fruit percent rule. I made a Minty Berry Juice... It has 2 cups Blueberries, 16 Strawberries, 1 Kiwi and 2 cups - packed Mint Leaves. I didn't have enough Mint for 2 c. packed and barely enough for one cup... but somehow it worked. It's DELISH and when I put it in my frosted mug.. it's almost slush like.

It's definitely making my jitters go away and I'll have enough stuff to make it to Friday. Which will be my next shopping excursion! More fruit, please!

Happy Losing!

Ps. Scale said I went down 3-4 pounds already... but not so sure I believe it!

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