Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A new beginning?

I hope so.

Tomorrow I go see the doctor for a simple checkup. It's been about 5 months since I've seen her and when I left last time I had vowed that I would be thinner.

No such luck.

So I deleted my history on Weight Watchers and am Starting Over tomorrow (It's my weigh-in day).

I'm using very small goals. My first goal... is 5lbs. Something of a booster for myself. Get through this and I know I can get through another 5. Right? RIGHT!

I hope that, if and when I have children, I teach them better than I was taught. That I teach them the tools to be successful and healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we all need a clean slate to start fresh and renew our vow to ourselves.

    If you ever what to rant away or need to just chat, you can either add me on Facebook or email me


    First off, let me say, I am pretty good at playing devil's advocate and the things I say are never meant to be hurtful or mean, just a different side to the coin.

    Perhaps it's time to ramp up or change your blog. For me, it got real when I added numbers and pictures! I post my actual weight each week and have put up some pictures of me in nothing more but a bra and shorts! Totally humiliating? YES! But the weight thing is easier! Doens't bother me to do that anymore, it only bothers me when I can't record a loss, which is more frequent since I started doing that.

    My second question would be....how much good is WW online doing you? Perhaps if it's not working for you....what you actually need is the meeting atmosphere and WW is NOT your only option for weight loss support! Check out a TOPS group near you! TOPS is my support group! It's cheaper and very flexible. I can follow any sort of "diet" program I want, but I go to weigh each week and discuss health issues with my fellow peers!

    What if you start something visual? At our TOPS meeting, we have a chart hung up with each member's name. When you lose weight or stay the same, you get to put up a star. It's very visually stimulating and I LOVE seeing my row of starts, knowing that (for me anyway) that the blank spots are only there because I was absent from the meeting!

    Have a great week and can't wait to help you celebrate your first goal!!
