Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weigh In #4

Previous Weight: 339.6
Current Weight: 336.2
Weekly +/- :: 3.4
Total Loss: 7.1

What... A... Shock! I had to weigh myself THREE times before I finally accepted my loss this week! I am so excited!

In some sad news, I had to cancel my Weight-Watcher's account. Due to hard financial times, I could no longer justify the $20(ish) I was spending MONTHLY on the online program. Not only that, but I felt like I just wasn't getting the support I crave. I am on Lose It and Spark People... hoping that I can find the support and the motivation I need.

It has been almost a month without soda. It's been relatively easy this go-round. There are some days that I truly crave it but we've been buying Crystal Light and making BIG pitchers of it. It's mostly water... so I think I've been getting the hydration I've been needing. The other night my "in-laws" came over to see the new puppy and brought Chinese. Not only that, but they brought a 2-liter of Pepsi. Mike poured himself a glass and I was just staring at the bubbles... imagining what they would be like sliding down my throat... and then I just shook my head and drank my water. I'm a better person for it.

Puppy is definitely keeping me on my toes. I literally have to chase him around the house to put his harness on. We've taken him for a couple big walks... which is great for me! Today was the first day I had to leave him home alone and he cried and I cried. When I came home 2 hours later I was so happy to see him that I took him for a quick walk down the road. It wasn't far (he's only 8 weeks old) but I'm trying to get him used to walking for when he gets older! I want to be a svelte puppy-mom... lol.

Anyway... I don't think I'm going to be able to swing Zumba after all with the money-issues. Maybe... once things calm down and I figure out where all my money is going and what I have left, I can do two nights a week... but I will just have to wait and see.

I am so ready for spring. I am hoping to be down to 290 by the end of June... if not more!

Happy Losing!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

So... I'm thinking I'm not going to be able to go WW anymore.

My dad and I have to "talk finances" tomorrow... as in I'm going to have MORE bills and LESS money. And while I like WW and have success on it... I just can't justify paying $20 for something I could... essentially... get for free from other websites.

Doesn't mean I am quitting or giving up. Doesn't mean I am going to be letting go and eating like crazy. It just means I will be more self-conscious. It means I will have to be more vigilant.

I think... with puppy... It'll be a lot easier. I now have a new walking buddy. And I think the fact that I am getting up off the couch more often to take him outside... and the fact that I have to literally jump over the puppy gate... It'll pay off in the end.

So... Here's to a new adventure. I CAN and I WILL do this... Because I deserve it... and so do you!

Happy Losing!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


The boyfriend and I went to McDonald's last night for a cheap and easy dinner. We had coupons.


... We both got a 20 piece chicken nugget... a medium fry and a drink (I had water, of course)

Unfortunately... It didn't fill me up. Not because it wasn't enough, it was most certainly enough, it just wasn't... filling. It might have done something for me when I was younger... but now it was like I had just eaten a plain piece of toast with nothing on it.

I woke up HUNGRY. And with a headache. I made two pieces of toast (with butter) and it tastes so darn good.

I think, next time, just because I have a coupon, I will get something different that fills me up and satisfies me. McD's isn't even my fave and I rarely go there... Except for a Frappe...

Happy Losing!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Week Number 3

Previous Weight: 340.7
Current Weight: 339.6
Weekly +/-: -1.1
Total Loss: 3.7

Kind of surprised this week... but not really. If that makes sense. I did OKAY but not GREAT. I was proud yesterday... my "in-laws" had KFC for dinner and I only had 2 pieces... Before I probably would have like at least 4. I'm getting there... Slowly but surely.

Unfortunately... I have to wait until the next pay period to start Zumba. Money is just so tight right now, I can't really justify it. Plus with Puppy coming Friday... I've got a LOT on my plate. 

But... I'm up for it!

Happy Losing!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

...The Curse of The Cranberry-Orange Muffin...

My center/work receives it's food from the Hospital next door. They make the most... moist... amazing... deliciousness that is a Cranberry Orange Muffin. And I can eat them by the fist full. 

With flu and illness running rampant this week... My class has been combined with the other class... Usually, altogether, we have 22 children in Preschool. The other day we had 10. The muffins were afternoon snack and the cook gave me a TON of them. I kind of hoarded them in my classroom and have been eating them. 

Yesterday... I had five.

Today... I had four.

As I was polishing off my fourth muffin this afternoon, I looked at my crumb covered hands and thought to myself... "This is absolutely ludicrous!" I was ashamed and frustrated with myself. As soon as I licked the crumbs off my fingers, I picked up the entire bag, still full, and dumped it into the garbage.

Done... And... Done!

To make up for it...  By the time I got home it was still light out and I took advantage... I went for a walk. A mile long walk. I walked uphill backwards. I danced in the street. I walked 1 mile in 25 minutes.

I feel better... And thank GOD the muffins are gone! 

Happy Losing!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Weigh In #2
Previous weight: 342.8
Current Weight: 340.7
Previous Week Loss/Gain: 2.1
Total Loss: 2.6

So I had a 2.1lb loss this week... and I'm kind of surprised. Not that I did horrible but I didn't do fabulous either. I went for a half mile walk and then went through the snow and marshy land with the boyfriend and the dogs. After that one, I could totally feel it in my thighs and buns. 

My plan is to get the tracking thing down pat again and then add in the exercise. I've got a good head start... but I need to be more pro-active in measuring everything out rather than guessing. I was shocked this week to find out that a cup of corn... is way more than I was actually taking (and at 4 points a cup... OUCH!) 

Happy Losing!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First Weigh-In of 2013

Previous Weight: 343.3
Current Weight: 342.8
Difference: -0.5

. . . I tracked religiously until about Friday maybe? Or was it Saturday? Whatever... The point is that I did OK this week but not great. Losing half a pound is definitely better than gaining. I'm starting to get back into the tracking and being careful of what I'm eating.

. . .  . . . Onto the Exercise part!

I've decided that starting with my next paycheck (Only because I'm a little strapped right now) I'm going to start doing Zumba again. There's really no excuse not to. I happen to work in my Church... and the Church has class Tue and Thurs at 5:30p... Right when I get done! I'm kind of excited about it because honestly, I miss it. I think it'll be good because right now, it's too cold and snowy outside to walk or work on my 5k. I have DVD's but I don't think I would work as hard if I did them because I don't have anyone pushing me. 

So off to a decent start!

Happy Losing!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So in keeping with my ::Resolution:: I am going to be brutally honest...

... I currently weigh 343.3 lbs.

I have gone up significantly in a few months and am right back where I started almost 4 years ago. Kind of discouraging but the way I look at it... It's only going to fuel me to come back better and stronger. Starting Today.

... I'll admit... As the boyfriend and I were pulling up in the driveway after a night of "partying" (about as much partying as you can do with your parents...)... my initial thought was that I would love to have a soda right now. Sugary and fizzy. My second thought was... What can I pig out on right now?

Uhh... What?

Ohhhh... that's right.

I must retrain my brain. No soda. Last year I made it 6 months without and the year before was 8 months. I am confident I can make it 12 this year and never go back to it. As for pigging out... I had to remind myself to sit down and figure out how many points the cheese was per serving... and how many points the crackers were. Sure... it might seem like a daunting task... measuring and calculating.... but being on the Weight Watcher's system before, I know it works. I just have to be dilligent.

And truthful.

Which means no more GUESSING how much a portion is or how many points.

I'm tired of being the fat girl. I expect the first couple weeks I'll lose decently because of cutting out the soda... but I'll have to work at it.

And work it I will...

Happy 2013 and Happy Losing!