Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First Weigh-In of 2013

Previous Weight: 343.3
Current Weight: 342.8
Difference: -0.5

. . . I tracked religiously until about Friday maybe? Or was it Saturday? Whatever... The point is that I did OK this week but not great. Losing half a pound is definitely better than gaining. I'm starting to get back into the tracking and being careful of what I'm eating.

. . .  . . . Onto the Exercise part!

I've decided that starting with my next paycheck (Only because I'm a little strapped right now) I'm going to start doing Zumba again. There's really no excuse not to. I happen to work in my Church... and the Church has class Tue and Thurs at 5:30p... Right when I get done! I'm kind of excited about it because honestly, I miss it. I think it'll be good because right now, it's too cold and snowy outside to walk or work on my 5k. I have DVD's but I don't think I would work as hard if I did them because I don't have anyone pushing me. 

So off to a decent start!

Happy Losing!


  1. Zumba class sounds like a great addition to your lifestyle! I want to do some sort of group exercise class, but the weeks are a bit too full right now! Perhaps in the spring!

    A loss is a loss...celebrate it for what it is!

  2. Great Start! Wishing you all the best for the year to come
