Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Weigh In #4

Previous Weight: 339.6
Current Weight: 336.2
Weekly +/- :: 3.4
Total Loss: 7.1

What... A... Shock! I had to weigh myself THREE times before I finally accepted my loss this week! I am so excited!

In some sad news, I had to cancel my Weight-Watcher's account. Due to hard financial times, I could no longer justify the $20(ish) I was spending MONTHLY on the online program. Not only that, but I felt like I just wasn't getting the support I crave. I am on Lose It and Spark People... hoping that I can find the support and the motivation I need.

It has been almost a month without soda. It's been relatively easy this go-round. There are some days that I truly crave it but we've been buying Crystal Light and making BIG pitchers of it. It's mostly water... so I think I've been getting the hydration I've been needing. The other night my "in-laws" came over to see the new puppy and brought Chinese. Not only that, but they brought a 2-liter of Pepsi. Mike poured himself a glass and I was just staring at the bubbles... imagining what they would be like sliding down my throat... and then I just shook my head and drank my water. I'm a better person for it.

Puppy is definitely keeping me on my toes. I literally have to chase him around the house to put his harness on. We've taken him for a couple big walks... which is great for me! Today was the first day I had to leave him home alone and he cried and I cried. When I came home 2 hours later I was so happy to see him that I took him for a quick walk down the road. It wasn't far (he's only 8 weeks old) but I'm trying to get him used to walking for when he gets older! I want to be a svelte puppy-mom... lol.

Anyway... I don't think I'm going to be able to swing Zumba after all with the money-issues. Maybe... once things calm down and I figure out where all my money is going and what I have left, I can do two nights a week... but I will just have to wait and see.

I am so ready for spring. I am hoping to be down to 290 by the end of June... if not more!

Happy Losing!

1 comment:

  1. If you have the WW materials you can do it on your own. Lose it will help and keep blogging we are here to support you too
