Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week #4 
Previous Weight: 336.2
Current Weight: 338.9
Weekly +/- :: +2.7
Total Loss: 4.4

I find that I am slightly frustrated. Not with my gain (although, Yes, I am with myself over that) but the fact that my boyfriend's house is 130 years old and the floors are uneven. I weigh myself in the bathroom because it's the only room without carpet... but finding a spot that is level is torture. Which makes me wonder if last week's loss was really a loss or just due to uneven flooring.

Whatever is... is. I accept full responsibility for this week's gain. Saturday we pigged out on Chocolate/PB Bugles.... Chips and Dip... Chocolate chip cookies... Yesterday we had tacos and pizza and candy. 

But this only motivates me to do better. To better myself and my choices. Considering that my income is lower than what it would have been... there won't be anymore extravagant meals or snacks. 

In fact... as soon as I got home... I took my little Snickers for a quick walk. We are both better for it!

Happy Losing!


1 comment:

  1. It's ok....you now know what you need to do to work at it for next week.

    Sorry I haven't commented in a bit.

    I was also sad to hear that you had to quit weight watchers due to the financial restraints. I hope you have great success at doing it yourself. I personally would fail! I have proved to myself time and time again that I need the weekly accountability to be successful. I will be a TOPS memeber for life!

    Have you looked into a TOPS in your area? I have mentioned before that it is cheaper....perhaps you could talk to the group in regards to finances and they might be able to do something to help make it even more affordable for you.

    Just my humble opinion (that I get from reading your blog only, and it's the truth in regards to myself)

    You can't do this on your own, or you would have by now. You need support and accountability face to face. Whether it's through something like TOPS or WW, or just a group of friends that gather together EVERY WEEK, and weigh in.

    I don't say this to think you are not good or strong enough to do it. I just know that I was sure I could do it on my own, I mean, we all know what we need to do, but putting it into action is hard.
