Thursday, February 28, 2013

I considered deleting my weigh-in post this week... but then I decided that would be unreal of me and I'm trying to be as real as I can be.

I was frustrated and angry at myself. All my hard work ruined due to poor eating choices and lack of movement. I'm not stupid. I know what it takes and how much work goes into it. Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed and I WANT to give up... but I don't.

I'm trying to find something that works for me... and you're right. I should find some way to set aside $20 a paycheck to do Zumba 2x's a week. It's something that I love and it's good for me.

I'm hoping that things will get better financially. My bf is receiving an inheritance and if it's as much as we are thinking (and hoping) then things won't be so bad... so even if I have to wait a couple weeks to start up again.. it'll be okay.

As I said before, I am going to start Juicing. I tried one this morning and it was so different but it was so good. And the best thing is that it filled me up to the point that what I ate the rest of the day... was a lot less than what I normally consumed. So to think that that much changed after having just ONE glass of juice... imagine if I'm drinking 4-6 of them a day!? Plus the benefits are awesome and if you look at what you're eating in one cup of juice... there's no way you could eat that in one sitting.

I'm very excited to be starting this new phase. This weekend I plan on sitting down and making a grocery list (the bf and I figured that it's less than $4 per juice...) and coming up with a "meal" plan for the first week.

This, of course, means that I am switching up my weigh-in days. I will now be weighing in on Sundays as opposed to Tuesdays. 

I also agree that joining a group would be good for me. I am rechecking into TOPS in my area to see what is happening when. I would LOVE to continue doing Weight Watchers but at this time, there are no convenient or close meetings. Most happen too far away too close to closing time.

I'm working on it. I swear... I am.

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