Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Morning Mile Badge

I have awarded myself (And my puppy) this award as a motivator.

This morning, we got up a little earlier than usual and went for a mile long walk. It was kind of cold out but it was NICE. At work today we walked to the library and then took a walk with the kids. THEN... when I got home... Snicks and I took another walk -- a 1/2 mile.

All in all... Fit Bit says....

14,907 Steps 
(And I took it off around 7p... so that's not counting walking around the house and cleaning!)

12 Flights of Stairs

6.36 Miles

Hey... It's a start....


  1. It's an excellent start...keep it up!

  2. That is a great start! Keep up the good work, before long you will be walking so much more and not even take notice that you are. Plus you will feel 100 times better walking by keeping at it.
