Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weigh-in #6
Previous Weight: 340.2
Current Weight: 337.8
+/- :: -2.4
Total Loss:  5.5

This is the kind of weigh-in I like to report. I'm trying to be better about tracking everything and the weather has been cooperating a little bit more to get those walks in! It helps that I have Snickers to walk with.

Last night I watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". It was a documentary about juicing and weight loss. The results were inspiring to say the least... In the end... I bought my own juicer and can't wait for it to come! I know it'll be rough the first couple days but I think it'll be worth it in the end. Hopefully it will clear out my system of all the yucky stuff and I will be able to retrain myself in a healthier way!

I'm excited!

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