Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week #5
Previous: 338.9
Current: 340.2
+/- :: +1.3
Total Loss:: 3.1


I don't think you really want this. I don't think you're motivated enough. I don't think you're strong or disciplined enough to actually lose this weight. You DO realize the scale is supposed to go DOWN and not UP... right?

I know things are rough. Money is tight. You're stressed about finances and work. But you can't take care of all that stuff if you don't take care of yourself. You can't help others if you don't help yourself.

In less than 5 months you're going to be 30. Don't you think it's time you stopped placing blame on others and started taking responsibility for your own actions? Sure, your Mom didn't always cook the healthiest stuff or stress about portion control. The kitchen was your playground. Yeah, your Dad didn't run in the backyard with you as a kid. But you know what? You're old enough now to accept it for what it is and move on. 

No one can do this for you. No One... Just YOU!

You've done it before... why are you so hesitant now? What are you afraid of? Think... hard... about this. Take some time and really think it through. Maybe you'll surprise yourself.

I'm not telling you this to hurt your feelings or to put you down and make you feel bad. I'm doing this because I know you. I know you have it inside you to do this and do it right. I know you can pull through this and be stronger than ever. You just need to get moving on it. 

... Starting...
   ... Right...
      ... NOW!

(Your biggest supporter)

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