Sunday, February 24, 2013

For a LONG time now I have been whining about how my parents never really taught me portion control or healthy eating. I've tried WW but I felt like I was cheating and skating by on it... not really learning anything.

I have decided to resort to drastic measures.

This is NOT something I have been taking lightly. Much soul searching, praying and thinking has led me to the decision of juice-fasting.

If you read my previous entry you'll know that I recently watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead... about two mens journey on a juice-fasting diet and their success and weight-loss.

But it was so much more than just about weight-loss. They were reduced on their medications or taken off altogether. One woman who suffered from headaches had them stop while she was doing it. They felt better and healthier... had more energy and yes, lost weight.

I feel stuck. I've tried WW, I've tried Lose It and Spark People. I've tried weight loss pills, going vegan. I've considered surgery. I am aware that this may be nothing more than a crash diet, but I feel like I need to try it. I need to give this a chance. I am also aware that I might lose a LOT of weight on it (If I stick with it) and then gain it back, but I want to use it for so much more than just weight-loss.

They consider it as a detoxing. Cleaning your system of junk and starting over. I want to use this as a wiping the slate clean and re-teaching my mind and body about portions and healthy meals. I want to use this as a way to get closer to God. I'm a religious person and I am all about strengthening my relationship with God. One of the points they make in the Documentary is that most major, if not all, religions fast. 

I'm not sure what to expect or really what to think. All I know is that I need some way to jump start. I have been stuck in this number range for too long and I am frustrated. I know doing this will not be easy... but with God's help and the help of those around me... I know I can pull through this and make this a wonderful experience.

So... Happy Juicing!

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