Thursday, January 24, 2013


The boyfriend and I went to McDonald's last night for a cheap and easy dinner. We had coupons.


... We both got a 20 piece chicken nugget... a medium fry and a drink (I had water, of course)

Unfortunately... It didn't fill me up. Not because it wasn't enough, it was most certainly enough, it just wasn't... filling. It might have done something for me when I was younger... but now it was like I had just eaten a plain piece of toast with nothing on it.

I woke up HUNGRY. And with a headache. I made two pieces of toast (with butter) and it tastes so darn good.

I think, next time, just because I have a coupon, I will get something different that fills me up and satisfies me. McD's isn't even my fave and I rarely go there... Except for a Frappe...

Happy Losing!


  1. Good for you for realizing it.

    Have you watched either of these 2 food documentries? Food, Inc or Supersize Me?

    I just watched them both last week (and I also watched Hungry for Change), but if you want to make yourself think twice about food and fast food in particular, watch Food Inc first, then Supersize Me. Had TOTALLY turned me off of fast food! Food Inc is one step from making want to move to the country and live off the land, but an eye opener for sure!!!

  2. I have learned to throw out the coupons when they come in the door now so no temptation
