Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hello Old Friend

The scale is my friend... again. This week.

A lot of factors working in my favor this week. I was sick with some kind of stomach bug most of the weekend and the early part of the week. Being sick isn't so good but the fact that you can't eat anything and you're losing everything you DID eat... well that helps. I've found that I'm unable to eat as much as I used to. But hey... it works.

Now the challenge begins. Along with being a member of Lose It, I'm also a member of Weight Watchers and Fitbit. My Weight Watcher's points are the lowest I've ever had them, so it will be a challenge to keep them there and get them under. 

This is the part where I throw my hands up and say "To hell with it all!" and quit.

But not this time.

See, when I set my mind to something, I do it. No matter how hard it is or how long it takes me I accomplish it. 

But with God on my side and a few very good friends who are invested in my health and well-being... I will beat this. I will beat this disease of Over-eating and being Over-weight!

Happy Thursday All!

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