Sunday, May 6, 2012

I Think I'm Getting The Hang Of It

Due to the encouragement and support of some very awesome and dear friends... I think I am finally getting this weight-loss journey off on the right track!! There have been some super changes in my life and I'd like to share them.

1. I set mini-goals each week. Being part of Weight Watcher's I start over every week and it's like a clean slate. Everything that happened the week before no longer matters... as long as I learned from my mistakes. Each week I make mini-goals. For example... this week my goals are to use just my regular day points and leave my extras alone; track EVERYTHING (I bite it... I write it!); Give it to God.

2. Give it to God. I'm a religious person and I've tried doing this on my own when my faith has wavered. The stronger I am in God the better off I am. I've found that it helps me to be strong and reminds me how not in control I really am.

3. Fitbit. Fitbit is my NEW best friend! At least the first day. I was so excited to have it and try it out that I went over-board. Was I sore the next day! But it keeps me motivated to keep moving. Yes, it's the weekend and I'm having a little down time. But I'm still moving.

4. I'm being careful about what I eat. Despite living with my parents and being subjected to their unhealthy ways, I am making it work for me. I bought little blue plates that have sections (I found them at Walmart for like a buck in the picnic section) and I use it often. It forces me to watch my portions and I find that after eating fairly little (or "normal") amounts I am much fuller. Even though my financial situation is tight, I find a little extra in my budget to buy some healthy snacks... so when I get the munchies I can have something semi-healthy (Or low in points). 

5. My friends. My friends are my support system. Without their help and love and genuine care for my well-being... I wouldn't be able to do this. Even if it's just an email or text to tell me to stay strong or writing long emails back and forth so our fingers are busy typing and not munching... It helps. They are definite Godsends and I am so blessed to have them in my life.

This road is a long and treacherous one. I hate this saying but it so rings true -- This weight wasn't put on in a short amount of time so it's not going to come off in a short amount of time. But I'm making it as fun and inspiring as I can. The people I meet along way... they just add light to the darkness and warmth in the cold.

I can do this. I WILL do this. I was made for more.

My mantra ... My body does NOT attract love. *I* do.

1 comment:

  1. I love my Fitbit! It got me and my hubby moving and created so many more positive habits. :)
