Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Little Loss... Is a Big Loss

The scale is my friend this week.

I may be down 2.8lbs this week but I find victories in small things I've noticed about myself in the past week alone.

* I have more will power than I believe. The fact that I've gone to bed hungry every night because I didn't use my over points on WW... The fact that there was a delicious Pecan Pie sitting on the counter that smelled and looked absolutely fabulous and I walked away with nothing more than a crumb of crust and a tiny pecan... proves to me that I'm not as weak as I claim to be.

* I move a lot more than I thought. There are days I should move more and want to move more but just don't have the energy. But just knowing that in one day I can do 6 flights of stairs and walk 2 mi just by doing my job... well heck that's a start... right?

I know that there are going to be weeks where I gain or don't see a change at all but the fact is that I KNOW I can do this. I know I have the tools and the power within me to do this. I didn't put the weight on in one night so I shouldn't assume it'll come off in one night.

What a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey. Saw your link over on, thought I'd come over and say hi. :)

    I am trying to lose weight too, and am thrilled with how easy it tends to be for me when I try. I just... need to stick with it. :D

    Good luck!
