Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Take Me Home, Country Road...

My Fitbit has been my inspiration and my encouragement to get moving. I love the way it feels when I get a badge on my site... other than the 50lb Weight Loss one I received because my brother was being a jerk and weighted himself 20 times on our Aria and it all registered under MY account... but anyway.

I thought this weekend would be perfect for a walk around the block. Did I mention that I live in the country? And did I also mention that my block has no sidewalks and happens to be over 3 miles with hills?

In my mind, it seemed perfect. Ain't no mountain high enough...

Yeah right.

I got up, got dressed in capris and a tank top... since it was warm and sunny. Put on my PUMAS and headed out the door with my fitbit, my phone and my iPod. 

Feeling good, I psyched myself up to conquer this massive block and I wasn't going to give up. As I walked, I bounced to the music and kept pushing myself. Further and Further I went. Hill after hill I climbed. I started sweating and the sun was hot as it was just past noon.

But then... after I'd gotten over the first big hill... much farther down the road than I normally walk... I could feel the blisters on my feet. The shady spots were far and few between and I was huffing and puffing. But still, I didn't give up and kept pushing. I made it to my first right turn and just about dropped on the pavement. Stopping was NOT an option because my feet were throbbing and burning and I could now feel the blisters squishing.

I made my way down the second leg of my journey and just about cried when I saw the big hill looming ahead. Who the hell put THAT there? I don't remember that hill being there!! But as I climbed up the hill and started my way down, I saw the stop sign and knew I was going to make it.

Nevermind that I'm burning up and getting really thirsty. My hands are so swollen that my ring had to come off. I was starting to feel panicky from the heat and my feet were hurting so bad. I made my second right and started the third leg of my journey.

Where was the sidewalk? I didn't remember it being so far down the road... and it looked like one big uphill climb. The panic got worse and I just wanted to go home. There was still no shade anywhere except a tiny little spot up the road... so I trekked up and then stopped. I pulled out my phone and called my mom.... crying. "Come get me!"

I paced, slowly, on the side of the road with my shoes off and just relaxed while I waited for mom. I was tired. I was dizzy. My feet hurt so bad. I have never been relieved to see her coming and climbed in the car.

I got home, took a cool shower and guzzled a diet snapple. The blister on the bottom of my foot was the biggest one anyone has seen and last night I drained it. Twenty minutes it took to get it all taken care of but it feels much better.

Next time I will take water. I will not go in the middle of the day when it's hottest. I will invest in decent walking/running shoes. I will wear sunscreen.

Lesson learned...

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