Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Far From What I Once Was...

... But Not Yet What I Am Going To Be.

1. My friend told me I am looking good. I'll take it!

2. There's a garbage bag of clothes in the bedroom that I have been meaning to donate for years and never have. I wanted to go through it one more time and make sure there wasn't anything I wanted in there. When I put them in the bag, they were all mostly too small. You know... Size 30/32 and 28/26. Just for giggles, I tried them all on and guess what... They are either too big or just right. It's seriously like going shopping for free!

3. Years ago I bought a pair of jeans and was NEVER able to fit into them. I bought them because I hoped, someday, they would fit and they haven't. I could not get them up over my thighs... How sad... but today I was able to get them up and on and even buttoned! They were snug but holy moley! Talk about a game changer right there!

4. I haven't been able to do many big walks lately because of the weather so I started C25K. It's only a half hour a day and I do it in the house, so it's like running in place. But still... It's better than nothing and it's better than sitting around doing nothing. Plus... I'm getting my sweat on. I bought these 3lbs hand weight for walking and I try to use them while I do the routine. Sometimes, I'll hold them over my head... anything to get rid of the arm jiggle.

I feel so good about myself it's ridiculous. I am so motivated to keep going and this was totally the boost I needed to keep going. Not that I'm not motivated, but when I look int he mirror, I don't see anything or anyone different. I just see... Me. I notice that my favorite clothes are getting too big. I can kind of see that my stomach is getting less lumpy. I guess I just needed to have some kind of validation that I'm doing a good job and I'm getting somewhere.

Got a long way to go but I am getting there. Going to have to visit the Doctor's office and get a new goal weight from them since I'm so close to my goal right now. Can't wait to see what the scale says this week. 


  1. Great job! Ride that motivation right to the finish line!

    Just keep taking pictures and measurements and eventually you will see it too!!!!!

  2. I will keep taking them. I still think I'm doing them wrong... but it's okay. :)
