Thursday, July 21, 2016

"Just write. If you just write... The words will come out."

If only that was true.

I've been sitting here, staring at the blank screen, that's waiting and begging to be written on and I can only draw a blank. I feel like anything I might have to say... I've already said. That it'll all be lost in space where no one will ever read. Some days, I pray that my writing will inspire someone. That one day someone will say that I touched their lives in ways they never imagined. To touch a single life with compassion... when we're too hard on ourselves... or with humor... when it's been a crappy day and you just need to let loose with a belly laugh. To bring some sunshine into someone's dark world. To fill the empty spaces in their hearts with love and light and joy.

This is my desire but I can't do this for anyone but me. I can't do it to inspire other people. I can't do this to make myself more attractive to my partner, or to be able to have more babies. I can't even do this for my son. I have to do it for me.

And... In doing this for me... I am finding joy in the journey and I need to just enjoy and focus on myself.


  1. So happy to have you back!

    You are on track and I'm very proud!! :-)

  2. Thank you! I couldn't do this without all the love and support and encouragement I've been getting. It motivates and drives me and makes me want to be a better person! <3
