Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Pain You Feel Today...

... Will Be The Strength You Feel Tomorrow.

Today is a rest day. I woke up this morning with my muscles aching... even in my stomach and sides and all I did was walk yesterday. Well... Kind of.

I've been trying to incorporate some kind of speed walking or running, as long as my body feels it's okay. I made my husband sit down and figure out *about* what I ran yesterday and it equates to around a half mile. A half mile. 

In school, we always had to run the dreaded mile and I always ended up walking and coming in last. Not that it was ever a race or competition but it always broke my spirit. It was torture. I've never really been fit. I've never really been thin. I've never been one to really like working out or even getting sweaty until my first marriage ended. I had such bad anxiety attacks that I'd HAVE to walk and on the really bad days, I'd have to RUN. The burning in my chest felt good and it was always easier to deal with the physical pain than the emotional. After that I got really into Zumba. Then it all fizzled out.

But I am getting around to liking the sweat. It doesn't bother me as much if I'm doing something good for me. Plus it makes the end-of-workout shower so much more enjoyable. 

When I walk/run I find that I am more focused on what's coming up and how I can get out of it. Here's how my walking routine goes...

* I walk all the way to the end of the road (1.2 mile) 
* I walk backwards up the small hill at the end, then walk to the edge of the tree farm property.
* I run (or try) from the edge of the tree farm property to the flooding driveway of the other side of the road and then walk to the end of our property.
* I run from the end of our property to the other end and then walk down to the end of the road.

Does that even make sense? If I do that THREE TIMES the running ends up to be about half mile. Not bad for someone who couldn't even make it to the end of the road without having to stop for a break!

Anyway... back to the thinking ahead... I find that I get more focused on if I'm going to be able to run the distances or if my knee hurts too bad. I have to stop thinking about this and just focus on where I am. I worry that I'll blow my knee out again or something worse, but if I listen to my body... I'll be okay. I just kept telling myself that I needed to stay in the moment and enjoy the moment.

So... I suppose that's all. My eating has been weak this weekend (Salad for lunch yesterday, then peanuts for a snack, then a small portion of chili cheese dog bake/corn on the cob/red potatoes for dinner... Watermelon and a small dish of ice cream for snack. Then today I had a piece of toast lightly buttered and lightly apple buttered and a cup of milk... lunch was just the red potatoes and more watermelon because we are headed to my M-I-L's for dinner and she made pasta and sauce. Plus she's always got good stuff.) but I'm not hungry. Okay maybe a little bit at the moment... but I'm holding strong!


  1. Your walking is such an accomplishment! I'm proud and inspired! I haven't walked in the past week on the treadmill....despite I still hit my step goal each day. My plan for last week was to work away on week 2 of Couch to 5km. I have totally modified it and instead of running, just walk faster!

    If you haven't...check out this website for weight watcher's recipes...but they are all comfort style foods.

    I haven't made much from it yet...but want to

  2. I would love to have a treadmill! My parents actually have one they wanted me to take, I just don't have the space for it. Makes me nervous for when the winter comes and I can't get out as much. I will def. have to check out the website! Always looking for new recipes to try out for Friday Nights. :)

  3. Your plan of marching in place works just as well....the point is you are MOVING!!!!! There is another website with exercises that require no real equipment aside from household items and you can do them sitting if necessary...maybe it's worth checking out for winter
