Friday, August 12, 2016

Don't Let Your Struggle Become Your Identity.

It's hot. It's 90 degrees but it feels like 98. It's hot.

But I "forced" myself to go for a walk. I wanted to do 3 miles but I was happy with 2 miles. I ended up with 2.75 mi. I'm happy with that.

I'm happy and hungry.

I'm proud of myself because of a non-exercise victory. Today, little man and I visited my parents. I probably spoke about my mom before but if I haven't, or you don't want to look back, my mom is a HUGE enabler and junk food junkie. She's always offering candy and cookies and soda and chips... Its ridiculous. Well... Today I planned for our visit and packed Little Man some fruit and some "healthier" cookies (Teddy Grahams...) and when he got hungry, he had those. She offered him cheese curls but then gave me a dirty look when I said no thank you. I don't mind Little Man having that stuff once in a while, but I try VERY hard to give him a balanced diet and limit that kind of stuff. Then, my mom kept asking me if I wanted a little microwave pizza and I politely refused. She tried to pawn off Pepsi and snack cakes and chips and I just told her I wasn't hungry. I was but I usually wait until Little Man goes down for nap because it's like my special time. Instead, I had a great big glass of water and didn't bring anything home.

A friend's wedding is tomorrow. Not sure what kind of food will be there... But I'm going to try my best to behave but still enjoy. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job! We now live in an addition attached to my parents house and my dad is forever giving the kids junk food! I know I don't always feed them the best foods and let them have snacks more than I should...but I struggle to have my father understand.

    For example..he took my son out for breakfast on the weekend and let him have an order of pancakes AND french toast! He doesn't need that much food! If it's more than I can eat, it's too much for him. He's starting to pack on weight and our last visit to the doctor suggested we cut out a bit or soon he was going to overtake his height on the growth chart.
