Wednesday, August 3, 2016

DETERMINATION is doing what needs to be done... Even when you don't feel like doing it.

Had a minor setback last night at weigh-in. I knew it could go either way, but it's always so disappointing when the scales tip in the wrong direction. I gained 2.4lbs to go back up to 310.8. Still not bad, considering what I've done thus-far.

I was sitting on my floor with my son yesterday morning and I was so disgusted by my chunky legs. You'd think that all the walking, there would be some type of toning. Maybe there is and I just don't see it yet.... So I decided that Pilates was a good choice. It's quiet, some routines are fifteen minutes or less... I started it yesterday and my legs and buns are so sore today!

I also decided to retry my FitBit. I've been having trouble with it keeping a charge but I thought I should give it another try. I miss wearing it and seeing the progress from the day. If it doesn't work, I guess I can ask Santa for a new one.

1 comment:

  1. Setbacks are to be expected! Good for you for not letting it discourage you and give up!

    I just finished taking pictures and when I look back and compare them with earlier ones, I see no difference and it's hard.

    Yay! Break out the FitBit! Seriously, if you have troubles with it...e-mail customer service and tell them! They replaced mine free of charge and I was also able to change the colour. I had my new one in about a week!
