Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I didn't get the picture of the dress tonight...

By the time the Husband got home it was late and we went for a nice walk. Then home for dinner. It wasn't my usual haul ass kind of walk but I figure that any kind of movement is worth it.

Still struggling to find the motivation lately. But it's still there. Somewhere.

I bought a new shirt today. It was a size 22/24 and it's snug but not uncomfortable. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.

1 comment:

  1. I was about to track you down and find out where your blog posts were!!

    Glad you didn't go MIA for long!

    I struggle with motivation and it seems to go in waves. I so want to see your side by side wedding dress photos! I didn't realize you had lost over 70lbs in a year! Do you even get how awesome that is?!?! Like super proud of yourself girlfriend!!!!! Imagine carrying 7-10 lb bag of potatoes in a backpack every day!!

    We can do this!!! You can do this!!!!
