Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Look For Something Positive....

... Even if some days you have to look a little harder.

Alright, alright, alright. I've been MIA I know. Last week Little Guy and I had Vacation Bible School. It usually starts at 6pm and goes until 8pm so I didn't get much of a chance to update or even walk for that matter. I've taken a few walks here and there but nothing like I was. Luckily they are calling for it to be warm through October so I still have a few months to get some good stuff in before the cold settles.

In the last two weeks I have lost another 2.8 lbs... Despite our TOPS picnic last tuesday and then the husband and I hitting Cheesecake Factory to celebrate our anniversary. I was particularly surprised considering that I haven't been exercising lately either... other than just rushing around and dancing at VBS. But I'll take it. 

I really need to do a side-by-side comparison of myself two years ago. I am actually planning on doing this and putting on my Wedding dress. Considering that 2 years ago I was nearing 379 lbs (although I was 8 mos pregnant at the time) and this year I am a svelte 304.2. 

Fitbit went on a bit of an adventure. I had taken it off and set it on the edge of the couch one night and the next morning it was gone. No idea where it had gone (didn't really look too hard lol) but figured it would show up eventually. Well... I was getting ready to go somewhere and went in the kitchen by the door. In the box next to the door was Fitbit among a pile of Little Guy's cars/vehicles. He'd grabbed it and threw it in the box with his toys. I couldn't even be mad... lol. So now it's charging and I can start wearing it again.

Hopefully pictures to come sometime this week. I'd really like to do the wedding dress one but we'll see. I already know I can fit in it wearing jeans and a hoodie but would still really like to have a side-by-side.

Happy Losing!

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