Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dear Skinny Cow;

It's nice that SOMEONE finally gets it! Kudos to you! As I was standing at the check-out line today at the store, I was checking over the candy that's conveniently placed where I dole out my cash. Hungry? You betcha! I hadn't eaten anything all morning and the effort (not to mention the self-control) it took to already choose a bottle of water over that sugary and bubbly cold soda had taken a toll on me. I wanted something. Anything. Chocolate or potato chips? Beef jerky or goldfish? My options were endless. But I happened to notice, sitting in a small box with maybe one or two taken from the collection... sat a Skinny Cow chocolate bar.

Could it be? No way. I was certain I was dreaming! I continued to look over the candy and the junk food but my inner ThinMe kept pulling the strings on my arm and moving my hand in that direction.

Oh such wafery goodness! But I was skeptical. I'm not a fan of the wafer stuff (unless it's a kit-kat bar... which totally negates what I just said...) but what the heck! It was a small bar and it had chocolate and it was cheap and it had chocolate. So I grabbed one and threw it with my stuff.

Carrying my small bag to the car, I almost forgot about the wafer-bar until I fished out my water and felt the bar. My tummy rumbled. "FEED ME! FEED ME NOW!" (Impatient!) I grabbed the bar and looked it over for the WW's points. Three (3) points for a small bar... but was it any good? I tore that puppy open and tried a bite. 

I just about died. No, literally... I shouldn't drive and try to eat.

Seriously... It was so good I didn't want to finish it and I didn't want to put it down. Yes, it was THAT good! There was just enough wafer to make a crunch and the chocolate was so yummy! I'm not entirely sure that I would drop (3) precious points for that small of a bar but it was worth it.

So, Skinny Cow, I just want to say thank you. My ThinMe wants to thank you for giving me a HEALTHIER option than the junk at the check out. My FatMe wants to thank you for giving me something so deliciously sinful that tastes LIKE the junk at the check out. 

A million times, THANK YOU!!!!

A Very Satisfied Customer

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