Thursday, November 15, 2012

To be... or not to be... that is the question!

This week I went up 0.8. Didn't want to see a gain but I'll take this over 2 or even 1lbs. I'm really struggling this month already.

I have made the decision to become vegetarian after Thanksgiving and to fast from candy... at least for a couple weeks. Hopefully I can tame my sweets cravings and maybe rid my body of some junk. I just hope I can be strong enough to get through it. I will have to use the smiley face stickers on my calendar again.

I know, for sure, starting on Jan 1st I am giving up soda. I made it 6 months this year... I've made it 8 months before... I will beat it.

Weight this week... 331.4

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