Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012...

        ... Hello 2013...

So in light of 2012 ending, many people are posting about New Year's Resolutions and looking back on the year.

Well here's mine......

.... I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions because they are always broken. I will, however, make a promise. A promise to myself. A promise to God.

That promise is to always be true. 

Be true to who I am as a person. Be true to who I am in God and to God. To be the best person I can be whether I am a size 10 or a size 20 or a size 5.

I promise to take care of myself and I think... all along... that's what I've been missing. I've been so focused on changing and becoming some one... or rather some THING... different, I've lost sight of who I am. I can't change who I am until I have accepted me as I stand and live and breathe.

2012 wasn't a horrible year... It just kind of was. It isn't up to the 2013 to make my new year a wonderful one... It's up to me. I have the power, I just have to learn to use it.

So I hope that your new year is filled with success, love, happiness and lots of smiles and blessings. I know mine will be.

Happy Losing!

Friday, November 23, 2012

My boyfriend is AWESOME... Hands Down!

Last night as we laid in semi-conscious Thanksgiving Day comas we rehashed the days events. What dishes we liked, which we didn't... what today would bring. Then he turns and looks at me and says, "I like having someone to walk with."

Heart... Melting...

I like walking with YOU too! *Smile*

I know I posted yesterday before we left for dinner at his sister's house. We'd already done a mile walk but when we got there, she put us to work. We weren't just sitting around drinking and eating and pigging out. We were moving around and cooking. Works for me! Then after dinner.... all 6 of us went for a walk. That's right. Before the pie and the vegging on the couch. It was about 2,000 some-odd steps (I didn't count the miles...) to where we walked and back again. Then when we got home, the sky was beautiful and I was at 9,885 steps so we decided to walk to make it an even 10,000. It was the perfect night. The route we took was a half mile total and we weren't going to go all the way but by the time we got that far it was like... just go for it.

Go for it we did.

Fitbit says:

11,857 Steps
12 Floors Climbed
5.07 Miles
3,399 Calories Burned.

Happy Losing!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

As a preemptive strike against Thanksgiving... I got my boyfriend up early (after I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen) and we went for a mile walk. It felt good.

Today is the Turkey 5K in my town. I had planned on signing up for it but then I ended up with Peridcarditis again and had to take it easy. Then I got hit with the stomach bug and couldn't keep anything down for a weekend.

But in going along with my vegetarian (as best as I can be) and my no soda (attempting to start now... but at least cutting back) plan... I felt like I needed to get out there and do something.

I have got to stop this gaining trend. This past week alone I went up almost 7lbs. Yikes! I know some of it has to do with mother-nature (you ladies hopefully know what I'm talking about) and not feeling good and just being pure lazy... but I must stop making excuses and just do it.

And it was so very nice. We talked about our Christmas Tree we're going to get from the farm up the road. The sky was beautiful blue and there were white fluffy clouds. It was only 40 degrees but it felt good to have the sunshine on my face and know that I'm trying to make a difference.

I told him after dinner today that I was going to go for another walk... then put jammies on and chill. Tomorrow... we get to do the whole Thanksgiving Feast all over again at MY parents...

Happy Losing and Happy Thanksgiving

Ps. The Not-Very-Weight-Watchers-Friendly-Chocolate-Pumpkin-Cheesecake-Bars are DELISH!!! :-)

Monday, November 19, 2012

I feel fat.

No, seriously... I feel fat.

I don't think I can wait to change things. I think I need to start NOW.

I've come so far and I've messed it all up. Maybe not all of it... but I feel like it. I need to do this for me.

I'm going to cut back the soda again (That still starts Jan 1st) and start drinking more water. My body misses it big time. And the milk. God, the Milk...

This pain in my chest is no excuse. Christmas is coming early and my present to myself is my health. I keep saying this but when will I actually do it? Hmmm....

So frustrated!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

So the sickness keeps on rolling...

... I've still got chest pains. Well... more like in the ribs. It's right at the bottom of my ribcage kind of in the middle of my left side. It started up again Friday morning and was really intense Friday night. I went to bed with a migraine.

What I woke up with... was severe pain... a major migraine and throwing up. All morning long I was sick to my stomach and shaky. I was so exhausted I fell asleep on the bathroom floor.

So unfortunately... my eating was decent yesterday. We wanted to get Chinese for dinner but the thought of it was turning my stomach and even the smell was messing me up. We bought soup and crackers and ginger ale.

I ended up eating Oyster Crackers... a can of Chicken and Stars soup... and a ginger ale. Then I was able to down a couple Hershey Kisses.

This morning, I am feeling a ton better... minus the pain. I had 2 Funfetti Pancakes and a glass of milk for breakfast.

So far so good!

Happy Losing!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

To be... or not to be... that is the question!

This week I went up 0.8. Didn't want to see a gain but I'll take this over 2 or even 1lbs. I'm really struggling this month already.

I have made the decision to become vegetarian after Thanksgiving and to fast from candy... at least for a couple weeks. Hopefully I can tame my sweets cravings and maybe rid my body of some junk. I just hope I can be strong enough to get through it. I will have to use the smiley face stickers on my calendar again.

I know, for sure, starting on Jan 1st I am giving up soda. I made it 6 months this year... I've made it 8 months before... I will beat it.

Weight this week... 331.4

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dear Skinny Cow;

It's nice that SOMEONE finally gets it! Kudos to you! As I was standing at the check-out line today at the store, I was checking over the candy that's conveniently placed where I dole out my cash. Hungry? You betcha! I hadn't eaten anything all morning and the effort (not to mention the self-control) it took to already choose a bottle of water over that sugary and bubbly cold soda had taken a toll on me. I wanted something. Anything. Chocolate or potato chips? Beef jerky or goldfish? My options were endless. But I happened to notice, sitting in a small box with maybe one or two taken from the collection... sat a Skinny Cow chocolate bar.

Could it be? No way. I was certain I was dreaming! I continued to look over the candy and the junk food but my inner ThinMe kept pulling the strings on my arm and moving my hand in that direction.

Oh such wafery goodness! But I was skeptical. I'm not a fan of the wafer stuff (unless it's a kit-kat bar... which totally negates what I just said...) but what the heck! It was a small bar and it had chocolate and it was cheap and it had chocolate. So I grabbed one and threw it with my stuff.

Carrying my small bag to the car, I almost forgot about the wafer-bar until I fished out my water and felt the bar. My tummy rumbled. "FEED ME! FEED ME NOW!" (Impatient!) I grabbed the bar and looked it over for the WW's points. Three (3) points for a small bar... but was it any good? I tore that puppy open and tried a bite. 

I just about died. No, literally... I shouldn't drive and try to eat.

Seriously... It was so good I didn't want to finish it and I didn't want to put it down. Yes, it was THAT good! There was just enough wafer to make a crunch and the chocolate was so yummy! I'm not entirely sure that I would drop (3) precious points for that small of a bar but it was worth it.

So, Skinny Cow, I just want to say thank you. My ThinMe wants to thank you for giving me a HEALTHIER option than the junk at the check out. My FatMe wants to thank you for giving me something so deliciously sinful that tastes LIKE the junk at the check out. 

A million times, THANK YOU!!!!

A Very Satisfied Customer
Waking up with a blinding stomachache is not how I wanted to start my saturday. Bummer.

After last night's smorgasboard of horrible eating (Pancakes w/ whole milk for breakfast... a ton of Sun Chips... A cherry pepsi and a regular pepsi... 4 BIG slices of greasy, gooey pizza... 2 Cups of Coffee flavored ice cream...) I woke up feeling guilty.

I woke up feeling like a tanker ran into my stomach... repeatedly. 

I'm not worth it. I'm not worth feeling this crappy because of some bad choices I make during the day. I have the support (Thank you my friends...) and the knowledge to make awesome choices and get this done. 

But... I'm lazy. I'm just lazy.

And I still have no room in the fridge for any foods I want.

So... I'm saving my money to move out because I deserve better than this. I deserve a salad and a counter of fruit. I deserve fat free milk and yogurt. I deserve to cook myself a delicious yet good-for-me dinner when I want to and I deserve to wake up at 3 am... bake cookies... and eat them one at a time... maybe two.

I deserve to be in a judgement free zone... where I can workout or attempt to without feeling like I have to hide it or being afraid of snide comments from passer-bys. 

I deserve to drink tons of water and then have to pee every 15 seconds.

I deserve it.

So today is Saturday and I'm halfway through my week of binging but I'm "starting over" today and making good choices. I'm tired of feeling sluggish and looking in the mirror and seeing a fat girl staring back. I'm tired of wearing unflattering clothes because nothing else fits. 

I deserve more.

Oh... and when I said I didn't weigh myself this week... I lied. To who? No one but me. I did weigh myself and I was discouraged at the results. When I started this blog I made a promise to myself that I would be honest and real and I wouldn't hide anything. So I hope you can forgive me.

This week's weight: 330.6. (+3.5)
Weight Watcher's Points: 50 (Up 1 from last week)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Dear Pizza

You are gooey, greasy, cheesy goodness and we have been through so much together. I think it might be time to cut ties with you and move on. Just because we love each other doesn't mean we should be together. I bid you a fond farewell and the memories (and fat) we have conjured together will stay with me for a lifetime.


Thursday 11.8.12

... 1 nutella/pb sandwhich on white bread with a bottle of water...
... 2 Oatmeal pies...
...1 7in Sub (HUNGRY) and Sun Chips with a Dr. Pepper...

I made more Maple Frosted Pumpkin Cookies and then made Pumpkin Spice Whoopie Pies... Yum!

Oh and I had 2 cups ice cream and a pepsi... and Peanut M&M's. :-)

Today's Blessings... I found my Fitbit! Yay!


Made pancakes and had 2... with a glass of milk... whole. Yum! It was delicious! :-)

Happy losing!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I chose not weigh myself this week

My body needed the week off to heal and I think my spirit did too. So that's what I've been choosing to do.

I haven't been updating daily like I should have been.

Wednesday 11.7.12
1 Grilled Cheese Sand.
10 Wavy Tater Chips
5 small bread and butter pickle chips
1 Small slice of apple pie
1 c. vanilla ice cream
12 fl oz pepsi
2 oatmeal cream pies
2 cups whole milk

I've discovered that I have been dehydrating myself as well. The Indocin upsets my tummy but I haven't been drinking. So I started drinking a bottle of water and making an effort. I can't wait to start walking again. I need it.

Happy Losing

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday November 4th 2012

15 Combos & Sprite

2 cups scalloped potatoes and ham
1 small slice of chocolate pie (Which was DELISH)
1 Cup ice cream
2 cups whole milk
1 Nutella/Peanut Butter sandwhich
10 Doritos
1 Bottle Pepsi

Yesterday morning I spent in Urgent Care. For about a week I've had pain in my chest... I'm not a Doctor but I know it wasn't my heart... it felt more like my ribs and possibly my lungs. Advil and Aspirin were doing nothing for it so my mom asked me to get checked out. The doctor there suspects I have Pericarditis again (I had it August 2011... it's basically an infection surrounding the heart. I was on Steroids, Antibiotics, Pain Killers and Anti-Nausea meds for about a week and out of work). She pulled me out of work and ordered no strenuous activity. She basically gave me two options: 1. Take Indocin (a high dose of anti-inflammatory) and call my Doctor as soon as they open this morning to go in and figure out our next step (blood work, echo, Cardiologist... etc...) or 2. Go to the ER and have them do everything there and know by the end of the day what was going on. Mom and I chose option 1 because I was hurting but it wasn't bad enough to warrant an ED visit.

Last night was the most miserable I've been in a LONG time. I couldn't get comfortable because it just hurt to move and breathe. I considered waking my mom several times to beg her to take me to the ED. The pills are making me sick to my stomach and I was in tears most of the night. I finally passed out around 3am only to wake up at 5:30a so take my pill again at 6. I'm exhausted and miserable.

Yesterday my mom asked me why I didn't tell Mikey (My boyfriend) about the pain and everything and I told her I didn't want to be someone else's Jim.

Jim is my Ex-Husband. And a hypochondriac. Every month or so he was at Urgent Care or the ED or not feeling well. He did it to make me feel sorry for him and pity him. We spent an entire night at the ED because he claimed to have chest pains but he admitted later he didn't. If I came to my parents alone for a weekend he would call me and tell me he was really sick. It's a horrible thing to do to someone and I didn't want to do that to Mikey. I don't want him to feel like he's settling for me like I did with my ex... and yes, I realize how horrible that is to say that but it's the truth and I knew it.

I ended up telling Mikey anyway about what was going on and he was the sweetest thing ever. He said he'd come by today and stay with me if I felt up to it. He called me wonderful and he calls me his Sweetie. All I can say... I love that man.

So now I sit here... my stomach churning... waiting for the Doctor's office to open so I can force myself into an appointment. 

I love my family for being so supportive and being there for me. I love my friends for taking care of me and loving me for being me. 

Take care of yourselves... Happy Losing

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Saturday 11.3.12

So... Today I made Maple Frosted Pumpkin Cookies. Out of 8 dozen cookies... I only had 4... But they were quality control taste tests... :-) And YUM!

We made Turkey Meatloaf (Which is a Ww's Recipe) so it's not too bad.. and then mashed taters... which we didn't really add much to.

Other than that I've snacked a little on Sun Chips and Peanut M&M's but I haven't had a lot honestly. Oh... and a can of Pepsi and an Oatmeal Cream Pie :-)

So sad tomorrow is sunday already!

Happy Losing!
Friday 11.2.12

1 Chicken Patty Banquet Dinner
1 Steak and Cheese Burrito
1 Chimichanga
1 Cups Pineapple/apple juice
5 Cups Fat Free Milk (I was thirsty.. lol)
3 Sugar Cookies
1 1/2 Tuna Fish Sandwiches
1 Cup Vegetable Soup
1 Chocolate Bar
2/4ths Bottle of Dr. Pepper

So far today....

4 Peanut M&M's..
1 Cup Pineapple/Apple juice
1 Oatmeal Pie

I'm making dinner tonight for the Bf and I... It's going to be Turkey Meatloaf and Garlic Mashed Potatoes... Both are WW's recipes too... and I'm making Maple Frosted Pumpkin Cookies right now... :-)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday November 1, 2012

2 Cups Fat Free Milk
1 Cup Rotini
1 1/2 Cups Mini-Meatballs and Sauce
7 Mini Chocolates
4 Slices Pepperoni Pizza (Ouch... lol)
1 Can Diet Root Beer
15 Mini Pretzels
1 Tbs Ranch
5 Baby Carrots
1 Cup Salad
1 Tbs Ranch

So... Not great... I honestly didn't want the pizza but I ate it anyway. Was glad the carrots were in my fridge at work. I might get them out again today and nosh on them some. They were yummy! :-)

Still need to find my fitbit... I miss it. A lot. I know it's around here somewhere I just have to find it.


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Candied Out!

So glad Halloween is over and the candy is going BYE-BYE!

Last Weeks Weight: 328.7
This Weeks Weight: 327.1
Loss: 1.6
Weigh Watcher's Weekly Points: 49

How? Honestly... How?

Here's today's Stats... Sorta...

1 C "Monster Mix" (M&M's, Pretzels, Animal Crackers, Teddy Grahams, Nilla Wafers, Goldfish...)
2 C. Fat Free Milk
12 Fl Oz Pepsi
16.9 Fl Oz Root Beer
15 French Fries
2 mini milk-ways, 2 mini-Snickers, 1 mini Twix, 2 mini good-bars, 2 mini chocolates

Nothing really healthy but the milk... but I've done worse.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oh Halloween... Why do you wreak so much havoc on my life?

. . . I feel like giving up right now. Not that desperate, I'm never going to get anywhere kind of give up. But rather... Take a break.

Between now and New Years... Eating is ridiculous.

Bowls of candy. HUGE dinners... Parties. Snacks... I feel like my head is going to explode and Halloween hasn't even come yet! Ugh!

I get so bored and frustrated with keeping track. It becomes mundane so I'm thinking about cancelling WW's and just being mindful of what and how much I eat. Then starting over in January. I plan on starting over my Soda-Free campaign and I am determined to make it this time.

Must think this over.

     Must REALLY think this over.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dear Fitbit...

When I first saw you, I wasn't sure if we were going to get along. But the more time we spent together... the better I felt about you and me. We got along and had some really good times together. Remember the 5k? The parade? Niagara Falls?

Oh, Fitbit... I wish you weren't lost because I am lost without you. I keep checking to see if you have any messages for me... to see how far we've come and you're not there.

Getting another one just wouldn't feel right. I'd feel like I am cheating on you.

Please come back to me.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Well... I blew it.

This past weekend my boyfriend and I went to Niagara Falls. Between Friday and Sunday we did...79.499 steps, 51 floors, 34.08 miles. Friday my food intake wasn't too bad. We stopped at Long John Silvers but I barely finished what I normally would have eaten and still been hungry. Saturday we ate at Denny's for breakfast, then had TGI Friday's and some combos later for a snack... oh and ice cream. It really wasn't all that much but it's like a damn trigger as soon as I get home.

I did horrible and it sucks to think that after all that walking I sabotaged myself in 3 days. And I did.

No one to blame but me. I didn't have to eat all those brownies... or try to keep up with my boyfriend's cousin's 18-taco eating record... (lol)... but I did and I screwed up.

But it's only making me more determined to go at this. I can't lose my bet after all, can I? I got comfortable and I should never have done that. But I've learned my lesson.

Up 4.9lbs this week... but I'll get rid of it. Just wait.

Happy Losing!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"... Someday I'll fly... Someday I'll soar... Someday I'll be... So damn much more... 'Cause I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for... I'm bigger than my body... Yeah..."

As many of you know, I have been struggling very much lately with my weight. It's been a roller coaster ride that is anywhere from being over, if it ever ends at all and I'm assuming it doesn't. 

I've cried. I've screamed. I've had meltdown after meltdown after temper tantrum and pity party. But today has been a day of awakening within my heart and soul and mind. I've come to a LOT of conclusions about who I am and where my journey is going.

I battle Hypertension. I've battled it since about 2004. Recently my bad cholesterol has gone up as well as my sugar. I deal with depression and well... just plain ass laziness.

But one thing about me is that I don't give up. I'm the kind of person that walks away for a while... takes a breather and another look... and I come back.

I'm stronger than I give myself credit for.

Today, I had my follow-up with Dr. L about my blood work and my BP. Usually these meetings go... okay. (Last time I lamented about how my home life was so rough. About the choices my parents make and what I'm faced with on a daily basis.)

When I take a day off from work (Shhh... don't tell my boss!) I try to get up early and go for my walk to get it out of the way. Today was no different. I woke at 7am and by 7:30 I was on the road walking, rocking out to my iPod and enjoying the COLD morning. I replayed every possible scenario in my head about what could go down at the Dr's. Was my weight going to be OFF the charts ... Like I was assumed? Would I be lectured? Put on more meds? Who knew?

I rationalized with myself.

"Doctor... I've been really struggling these last few months. I was doing exceptionally well and seeing results but then I gave up. I got sick and had soda and stopped walking. It went downhill from there. But I completed a 5k in March. Sure, I walked, but the main thing was that I did it. I was doing C25K for a while but now I try to walk 40-60 minutes 3-4 times a week. The food part I'm still trying to figure out...

... I'm still living at home. I'm still faced with temptation after temptation but I'm learning to say no. I have a new man in my life who is super supportive and asks me to walk his dogs with him. We like to lie around and watch movies but we don't sit on the couch and pig out. We don't really eat a lot together either. His mom is a lot like mine in that when we get together, out come the snacks. But since I want to make a good impression on them... I go easy. Pop and olive here... maybe a cracker. They seem to accept me as I am... and I'm grateful. 

... We're going to Niagara Falls friday and I'm sure we'll do a Lot of walking. I'm really making an effort, so whatever your scale says, I accept it."

I... ACCEPT... IT...

I weighed myself this morning, as I usually do Wednesday mornings and it said I was down 2lbs. Okay... I could see a loss this week but there was the Sesame Chicken and Coconut Shrimp, Pork Fried Rice and the sodas. There were the many candy bars... the ice cream (although my bowls of ice cream have seriously decreased in size!) so the amount lost was kind of a welcome surprise. The boost I needed.

I stepped on the scale at the Dr's and they have a new digital scale. It was about 7lbs more than what I weighed at home.

Now... I'm a firm believer that when you weigh yourself you should be butt naked. BUTT NAKED. I hate how there's no where to put your stuff down and the nurses seem so busied and annoyed if you don't move as quick as them... but I seriously believe it would have been another 2 maybe 3 lbs less had I put down my wallet, phone, book, keys and chapstick down, taken off my sneakers and worn something lighter than jeans and 2 shirts. (At WW we always wore as LITTLE as possible and took off what we could at W-I!)

I'm still feeling pretty good and waiting for Dr. L to come in and eventually she does. I like Dr. L. I think she's one of my favorite Dr's that I've had. She's an older woman, maybe 40's... and she's not thin. 

I've had Dr's who are stick-thin yell at me for my weight. They've literally told me I'm going to die (And I was like 12 at the time) and put me on every possible pill. I've had them berate me and make me feel about 2 cm's tall. But not Dr. L. She's very friendly and she can joke about her size. We kind of commiserate about the struggles of it and most of all... she just listens. She lets me vent my frustration and she encourages me.

Okay... So enough of all this... down to the Nitty-Gritty of it all...

Since my last visit in March... I have lost 5lbs (according to their scale/measurements). My Glucose has gone down and all my numbers are beautiful. My blood pressure is almost perfect. 

Dr. L hugged me and told me I was doing an amazing job. She told me to keep it up and that I had better lose another 5lbs by March when I see her again.

I left with the biggest smile on my face. 

I was telling my friend JT how excited I was and how great it was. He bet me that I could lose 5lbs by December and 10 by March and that he'd do it with me. He said that he'll walk when I walk and I texted him back and said, "You better get moving cause I've already got my 2 miles in!"

THIS is what I need. I needed the affirmation that while things are hard and that I'm going to fail once in a while that I need to look at the bigger picture. I need to not be so focused on numbers and results but rather the process and the journey. 

Kind of like with my Mini-Muffins... Process Oriented vs. Product Oriented.

Happy Losing! :-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A new beginning?

I hope so.

Tomorrow I go see the doctor for a simple checkup. It's been about 5 months since I've seen her and when I left last time I had vowed that I would be thinner.

No such luck.

So I deleted my history on Weight Watchers and am Starting Over tomorrow (It's my weigh-in day).

I'm using very small goals. My first goal... is 5lbs. Something of a booster for myself. Get through this and I know I can get through another 5. Right? RIGHT!

I hope that, if and when I have children, I teach them better than I was taught. That I teach them the tools to be successful and healthy.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Conscientious Effort...

1. Ran on the tennis court with the kids for a little bit this morning.
2. Went for a walk after work...


1. Five Pounds...


1. New Sneakers... :-)
... No Gain...
... ... No Loss... ...

But hey... I'll take it. It's better than I was anticipating it to be. 

It sucks to work so hard for some thing (occasionally coasting too) and then go back to square one. Or close to it.

This is a stupid roller coaster that I can't seem to get off of. Go up, go down, stay level, go down, go up... I hate it.

There is, by no means, a quick fix for this. A lot of days I wish there were. That I could wake up in the morning and be 150lbs or whatever. A lot of days I pretend I am a lot smaller than I am.

But then I wouldn't learn. I wouldn't learn what my triggers were. I wouldn't learn discipline. The discipline to take what I am allowed and the discipline to say No. Maybe that will be my goal this week... To look in the mirror and finally say NO to myself. After all, *I* am the one doing this. No one is forcing it on me.

I am scared. I am scared of what being thin will be like. I am scared I won't know myself as the only me I know is a bigger me. I'm afraid of attention I might get but not know what to do with. I'm afraid of wearing cute clothes. 

But I want it. My want has to be bigger than my fear... And slowly but surely I am getting there. I just hope it happens before it's too late.

I want to be married again. I want to look good when/if it happens. I want to have babies but if I don't take charge of this soon then that dream will never happen. If I don't grab hold of this demon and whip it into shape... I fear a lot of things won't happen.

And that fear is greater than any other fear I have.

In a world where I have very little control over so many things... THIS I do have control over. I just have to keep working on HOW.

Happy Losing...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

About an hour ago I was ready and eager to write and update but now I just don't want to.

The scale went down last week and then up again this week. Such is life, I guess. At least I didn't gain it all back but still it was enough to be discouraging.

So... After my little pity party... I picked myself up and forced myself to walk.

2 miles.

It felt good and I was proud of myself. If I can keep this up the rest of the week I should hopefully have some decent results.

Maybe later this week I'll be more into writing...

Until then... Happy Losing!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I've been lamenting a lot about my living situation. The fact that my parents buy crap and cook crap and eat crap... and I go along with it because I have no other options.

When, oh when, will I take responsibility for MY actions?

I'm an adult and I should accept it as my own mission to care for myself. No one else can do it. I can blame my parents for instilling a poor sense of nutrition and lack of exercise ethic but it's MY choice to eat their garbage and sit around instead of moving.

My mom is a soda-fiend. I keep asking her to not buy it for me but she continues to do so. This afternoon I got to thinking about it... She buys the little 100 calorie cans of root beer and I thought that maybe if I bought some in a kind that I like... and then put maybe one in the fridge a day... maybe, just maybe, I won't be tempted to chug it. At least then it'll be a little can instead of a bottle of it. And hopefully, I can slowly wean myself off of it totally.

I've done it before.

I can and I will do it again.

I've been trying to get myself to walk at night when I come home from work. Tonight I passed because my head was throbbing and I had to go to the store. Let me tell you, the guilt weighed heavily on my heart. 

Tomorrow, I plan on getting an hour - long walk in. Then saturday, I hope to do the same before I go to my bf's for the weekend.

Maybe I'll work off the Taco Bell I had for dinner tonight. Over by 18 points tonight. Oops. But... It's the first night I've gone over and I still have time to make up for it.

It's a long and stressful journey but I'm going to get there. One way or another. :-)

Happy Losing!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

This week has been filled with so much heartache and frustration... I honestly felt like just giving up on everything and everyone... Myself included.

But with the storm also comes the rainbow and blue skies and I feel that those dark clouds are starting to roll away.

For the first time in a very long time, I went for a walk after work. 

I didn't push myself... it was more of a de-stress and time-"waster" (I had plans last night and just wanted it to be time to go) but it felt so good with the sun on my skin and the white puffy clouds and bright blue sky. The music on my iPod was inspiring and put a little swagger in my walk... lol...

My theme song for right now... STAND by Rascall Flatts. If you've never heard it... you should look it up because the lyrics definitely speak to me.

I made a promise to recommit to myself yesterday. I made a promise to myself that I WILL do this and I'm done making excuses. I can find time to make junk food and I can find time to eat it... I need to find time to exercise and make things right in my world.

I focus a lot on other people. My job is all about helping others and being around others. I need to find time for myself and if people can't understand and respect that... I don't know what to tell them.

Yes, my living situation isn't the greatest... but just because the garbage is here doesn't mean I have to eat it or be a glutton. Sure, I can enjoy my favorite stuff as long as it's in moderation and it's not over-board. 

I moved my weigh-in day up from Thursday to Wednesday. I am hoping maybe the change will make me reevaluate my choices and mix things up a little. Scale said I was down 1.2 or something like that but I'm not entirely sure I believe that. It was on a different day!

Thank you for all the support, love and encouragement. It's such an awesome feeling to know that other people care about me and my well-being and are cheering for me. I know I cannot do this alone.

Happy Losing!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This entry isn't really weight-loss related...

And maybe on some level it is.

I don't know.

I feel so frustrated with everything and everyone in my life. Sometimes I wish I could just pack up... walk away and never look back. Some days I'm convinced that no one would ever miss me and other days I know there are people who would.

I'm just so sick of the empty and broken promises from people. I'm tired of relying on other people when it's so damn clear to me that the only person I can rely on is myself.

And half the time I can't even rely on myself anymore.

I'm so unhappy with where I am. I am unhappy in my job. My living situation. I'm unhappy with people in my life.

I know that running away wouldn't fix anything. Problems just follow you wherever you are... but sometimes I think it'd be nice to fall off the face of the earth... even if only for a little while.

I just want to give up on everything but it's not possible. I know this is just a meltdown kind of day and I'm just way too tired... but I'm so tired of feeling like this.

I want my own place.

I want to know what it's like to be happy again. To be self-sufficient. To be free.

Instead... I just feel squashed. Beaten down. Tired.

*Sad Face*

Sunday, August 12, 2012

I am spiraling out of control and I feel like I am powerless to stop it.

Goals for this Week:

0. Give it to God
2. Walking 30 minutes a day.
3. Stay within Points Range

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dear Amy;

I tried to write this in a comment to your comment but it deleted before I could finish writing or post. So I figured I'd dedicate an entry to your recent comment.

My Family.

My whole family is big... even our dogs. 

My mom: I love her to death but she's such an enabler. Once in a while I like to enjoy a soda. I like to buy them on my own just buy one at a time because then I'm not tempted to down three in a day or spend a lot of money I don't have buying more than one. Once in a while, I ask my mom to buy me one and she'll get one... then two... then a six pack. I know she does it because she wants to make me happy, but she doesn't understand it. When I tell her not to buy me anymore, she'll laugh and be like "doing this again?" Well yeah. Kinda. I'm really trying. 

My dad: he's diabetic and is supposed to be watching what he eats and how much. Recently he's taken himself completely off all his meds, refuses to go to the doctor and has been smoking more and more and more. He's a PB Cup fiend. He doesn't know how to take small portions and often, because mom wants to please him, she lets him get his food first and he takes so much there's barely enough for anyone else. He's big into the sugary stuff. Cookies, cakes, doughnuts. You know that kind.

My brother: doesn't really live here anymore, but growing up he was the same. He was picky and so most nights it was chicken nuggets, burgers, steak, pot roast... you know what I mean? Which is fine but at the same time we were never really exposed to all the other stuff out there.

I can remember being in elementary school and we'd spend our weekends on the boat on the lake. Mom and I would be laying on the back while we made our way down the Erie Canal and she'd just say, "We're going on a diet. You and me. We're going to drink water and eat veggies and fruit. We'll be skinny mini's." That usually lasted until lunch time or dinner. Or when someone opened the cooler and took out a pepsi.

Every night we always got some kind of snack before bed. Usually it was a dish of ice cream. Friday/saturday's we had pizza and wings and popcorn and soda. Soda used to be for special occasions... like Christmas. Holidays were a whole 'nother mess. We'd have these "Happy Fizzy Parties" where mom would cut up cheese and put out chips, pretzels, peanuts, dip, pepperoni... etc. They were always about being together and sharing in family time but looking back it seemed more like it was about the food.

My family has got to be one of the biggest culprits of wasted food. Every week mom and dad go grocery shopping, but they buy things we already have in the pantry. We have a lot of canned goods/boxed goods and condiments in the pantry that have expired or have multiples. They've gotten in the habit of opening something... using it till there's maybe one serving left and then opening a new one. It's so irritating because at any given time there will be three bottles of ranch, two giant mayo jars, two bags of lettuce -- one brown and wilted, 2 to 3 cartons of ice cream in the freezer and a ton of hot dogs. I'm waiting for them to go away for a day so I can clean out!

I lived on my own for a while and I did good. I lost 23 lbs in one summer... mostly cause all I ate were popsicles but it was only because it was hot, I didn't have AC and it was just what I wanted. My pantry had some canned goods and boxed goods and a lot of baking. My fridge was mostly bare other than essentials and left-overs and the same with the freezer. I used my crock pot a lot and made hearty stews and saved them and I usually finished a loaf of bread before buying new. Moving back in with my parents was a huge shock to me after that. I get so disgusted sometimes and it's like asking them to clear off a shelf for me to keep my stuff is like asking them to stop the world from spinning. I didn't think it was that big of a request but honestly, it took 3 years just to get a spot for a bucket in the cupboard. At one point I had cleaned off the top shelf of the fridge and lined my stuff (milk, yogurt, cheese etc) along the wall and kept to myself, but every time I opened the fridge it was all moved around and shoved to the back. I spent my hard earned money on the food and then it got lost in the back and wasted.

When I was with my ex, we struggled horribly with finances. It was a huge mess and there were times we had to decide on paying rent or buying food. We were even going to the food cupboard just to survive. It gave me a new appreciation for what I had and what I was given and it angers me that they can be so careless with it... especially since my mom lost her job and we've struggled making ends meet. 

I try to make my own foods sometimes and I try to share it but it's so hard. It's almost like they say, "You can live here... but you can't". If dad's asleep on the couch, which is more often than not, you can't make any noise. If it's not that then they're picking on you to the point that it's like... just forget it. They don't realize that sometimes they take it too far and hurt feelings, but you're in the wrong if your feelings are hurt. 

I wanted to get a mini-fridge and keep it in my bedroom. Just something I could keep water in and maybe mini-ice creams or ice cream sandwiches or popsicles and yogurt. But the wiring in the house is messed up and it more than likely blow the whole thing. I had a wooden tray that I painted and I put it on top of the fridge for my snacks... but the many bags of pretzels and potato chips have found their way into it. Honestly, if we were to throw away EVERYTHING... all the junk food and all the crap... I'd be fine with it. I don't ever really want it... but it's that mindset that something is there and I'm going to eat it. 

An unhealthy living situation and I feel like there's no way out of it. I have a small wicker basket in the pantry where I keep some canned goods and bread crumbs and some other little things and when I went to get something out of it... someone had filled it with bottles of chemicals and dog shampoo. I'm at my wit's end and the only way to stop it is to move out and into my own place. But I have a hard time with that because of my credit.

I like to work out. I like to walk/run and I have DVDs that I enjoy, but my parents always make fun of me for doing it. They think they're being funny but instead of mocking me and picking on me why not throw me a thumb's up when I'm finishing my walk on the treadmill. Or how about trying to work out WITH me. I have no space of my own and my bedroom is too small to do anything in it... although I was doing C25K on just a small bath rug on the floor next to my bed. 

I feel so alone in this fight. I know I have supporters but they all seem so far away. I need someone I can push and who will push me. Who will encourage me and make me work for it. I know I can do this, but sometimes circumstances make it all that much harder. I'm not even allowed to keep a cutting board and measuring spoons/cups and a food scale in the kitchen. How am I supposed to succeed?

Anyway... I took some photos in hopes that you will see what I am talking about.

This is my fridge/freezer. I didn't get pics of the drawers in the fridge but they're full too. The two boxes of popsicles are mine and yes, there's about 6 packs of hot dogs in the freezer door alone!

In the top picture, the black "box" is my "snack space"... the other basket is full of bags of chips and popcorn and pretzels. The middle picture shows two packages of cookies and a double fudge chocolate cake. Add a pack of xtra large blueberry muffins and a box of doughnuts too please! The bottom picture is of all the bread we usually have. There's 3 bags of hot dog/hamburger buns, two loaves of white bread, pringles and Italian bread.

The top left corner is the mini-freezer. Usually it's full of frozen meals and ice cream... and more hot dogs. The top right and bottom left are of the mini-fridge. There's mostly snapple in these pics but only because mom and dad haven't gone to walmart and bought the pepsi and coke.

This is our pantry.
I didn't take pics of the cupboards in the kitchen... 

But now you know what I have to contend with. I wish there was some way to get through to them about what they're doing and that they're not only hurting themselves but me as well. 

Someday.... Someday... Maybe... *Sigh*

Happy Losing!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Yesterday was my final day of vacation this summer and it was a blast!

My friend and I went to a Taughannock Falls State Park on Cayuga Lake. We started our day by walking up the river in our bare feet. It was a 3/4mi walk over rock and some watery spots. My balance was most definitely off. At the end was supposed to be some 200+ foot waterfall. Because of the droughts going on... it was barely even there. We put on our sneakers and walked the 3/4mi back to the main park. Before, I probably couldn't have been able to do it without getting winded and needed a break... but I did just fine. It was a lot of fun!

After that we decided to have some lunch... which I packed. I bought these pita shells (100 calories a piece) with Italian herb... a couple single packs of lunch meat and some cheese. I also cut up watermelon and had chocolate covered strawberries (DELISH!) and some cheez-it's. I packed the cooler with water because it was supposed to be hot out... but it wasn't too bad. Lunch was really good and tasty.

After lunch we went down to the beach and did some swimming for an hour. The water was so cold but it felt so good to finally go swimming! I've been craving it all summer! 

I came home exhausted and sunburnt with a splitting headache but it was so very worth it. We had a lot of fun and will be planning our next adventure soon! I wish I'd worn my Fitbit though so I could have tracked all the walking we did... but I was afraid of it getting wet in case I fell on my butt. I definitely got my workout in!!

Happy Losing! :-)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I must apologize for my previous post. It was too early in the morning and I'd barely gotten any sleep and was way too emotional.

To the person who commented on it... Thank you.

I went to the store today and bought myself a half gallon of fat-free milk so I would hopefully, stop drinking my parents whole milk. Sometimes it just tastes too good.

I'm about to seriously go over my points for today. I have a whopping 2 left for dinner and dessert... And I'm pretty sure I blew through all my extra points as well at some point this week. I guess for tomorrow I will just try to stay within my limit for the day and not go crazy. 

Falling off the wagon is so hard. At least for me. Most people have figured out how to brush off and start over. I just go into a downward spiral faster than I can scream. It's almost like I mess up thursday (the day my week starts over) and then it's like... I already messed up so I'll start over next week. I need to get out of this mindset. 

My parents went grocery shopping which left me home alone for a bit. A very rare treat for me! After I got mad at myself for sitting here eating potato chips and drinking a soda, I popped in Chris Powell's The Workout DVD and did level 1. 

Yeah, yeah. 15 minutes of low-impact workout. Seems easy? Ah-Ha! 

My legs literally feel like jello and my tummy feels tight. It feels good and I think it was just the boost that I needed. 

Just because I am on vacation this week doesn't mean, in any way, shape or form, that I can just simply give up. I refuse to give up.

Chris Powell has been an inspiration to me. His compassion and his huge caring heart for the people he works with just amazes me. He never belittles them or forces them to do anything, he encourages them to change and better themselves. What I wouldn't give to be on his show! I just need that person in my face, pushing me and encouraging me. 

I feel renewed and excited. I am breaking open my Temptation Jar this week for a trip to the Falls on friday with a friend. It won't give me much but it'll be something to help with the costs and a wonderful way to reward myself for not giving in to temptation these past few months. I can't wait! My friend and I are going to hike to the falls (it's only like a mile and half) and then spend the day on the beach and have a picnic... Which I am buying all the stuff so it's up to me what goes in the cooler! :-)

Anyway... I'm in a much better place right now than I was this morning. Thank you my loyal and faithful readers.

Much love and keep losing!
I'm not so sure what happened.

I was doing well. Tracking all my foods. Moving (maybe not working out per-se but moving nonetheless).

And then something inside me kind of snaps and I give up. Why are mondays so damn rough?

Honestly, I feel like I'm losing it. I start a new program or start over and I do really well for a while and then it's like I just quit. I bought four new workout dvd's and I haven't done a single one yet.

But that's partly because of my home-life.

I haven't been sleeping well lately and right now it's 6am and I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. I just want to collapse into my pillow and cry. Something is really struggling inside me.

Some days I wish there was an easy fix to this. Some days I wish I could wake up and be 100lbs lighter. Some days... I wish I never let it get this bad.

I wish I had money for a personal trainer. Someone to come and push me. Make me do it. I wish I had the money to buy my own groceries so I could buy fresh fruits. I wish I had money to get my own place because I KNOW I would thrive.

Here.... Here I just sink.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Birthday Lunch With Jeffy.

For MY birthday, I told Jeff (my brother) he could take me to get my next tattoo. That was a no-go so I told him I'd buy him lunch. We chose Olive Garden.

Probably not the greatest choice... but honestly, I'm proud of myself.

First... I ordered two drinks. A Dr. Pepper and a Water. I was so happy that I drank the entire glass of water before I even touched the Dr. Pepper... So I didn't really want/need a refill.

I had the salad with little dressing on it... I always flip it upside down and get the leafy greens on the bottom. They are usually a little less drenched.

I had three breadsticks total.

For my entree... I chose the stuffed chicken marsala. It seems OG's plates have either gotten bigger... or their portions have been slashed.

I got two piece of chicken... probably 4oz a piece (judging by my palm) and not a whole lot of sauce. There was a half cup (Again... just judging) of garlic mashed potatoes... and they were delish! And I only ate ONE piece of chicken and patiently waited for the waitress to bring me a box for the other piece!

For dessert I caved and had the Tiramisu. But honestly... that's all I've had all day pretty much.  Haven't calculated on points where I'm at for today but I'm pretty happy.

I didn't feel like I splurged too much but I didn't restrict myself either. I stopped when I was full and I didn't chug the soda.

See... It might not always show on my body... but it's showing in my choices and thinking...

Me -- ONE!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dear Faithful Readers Of Mine;

It's been a while since I've posted anything in here just as it's been a while since I've even kept track of what I put into my mouth, just as it's been a while since I've worked out or even THOUGHT of it.

I don't know if any of you ever watch Biggest Loser or EM-Weight Loss Ed. I prefer EMWLE over BL because I think it shows it more true to life. Not all of us can be away for months at a time working out non-stop and being fed the delicious and healthy foods. EMWLE shows people in REAL LIFE. It shows how life can affect them and take away their time to work out and change their bodies. It shows REAL struggle.

And that's where I am.

Life has gotten in the way.

Two weeks ago I had my first ever gain in the last couple months. I shrugged it off. No big deal. I can fix it. The following week... I had another gain. No biggie. Can fix that one too.

But at one point will I gain so much back that I feel like I have to start over again? This week. I haven't weighed myself, yet, but I am dreading it. I have been binging and stuffing my body with junk and empty calories and been very dormant in my working out life.

And it's going to change.

I feel like I have let you all down and for that I am sorry. This is supposed to be a journal where I record my most best and my most worst feelings on this journey and I haven't been. Too often have I let life get in the way of things that it should never get in the way of... 


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Having my birthday on the same day as weigh-in seems fabulous... doesn't it?

That's what I thought, at first. I figured it was the start of a new week and all and it since it's the first day, I could be a little careless and still have time to redeem myself.



It's almost like a repeat of last week. For some reason, I was just so starved last week, I kept eating and eating and eating until I felt like I was going to explode. Literally. I haven't indulged myself quite like that in some time and it was like, no matter how hard I tried to get back on track, I just couldn't. It only proved to me that I can't mess up one day and redeem myself. It ruins the week.

So thursday, I went a little crazy but not so much that it was a total loss. Yesterday was kind of the same thing... Today, I'm holding my own a LOT better.

But the emotions are starting to boil up again and I'm not sure how to handle it. Sometimes I get so angry and upset that I just want to eat out of anger and frustration. "Ha! I'll make you feel guilty by eating this jar of chocolate cake frosting! SUCKA!" And then as I'm standing there, staring at the jar and thinking about how far I've already come, I put it back on the shelf and hang my head. "Nevermind. I just won't ever eat again! Then I'll become so skinny you'll wish you'd never hurt me and let me go!"

And then I starve myself... until the hunger pains take over and I wimp out.

Cry for help?


Sometimes, late at night, I lie in bed and I imagine what it would be like to be thin... Okay maybe not even thin but thinner. I imagine how great my life will be and how I'll finally meet the man of my dreams and we'll have babies and live happily ever after. It's like living a fairy tale where I'm the main character and life is always happy and merry.

So why am I so afraid of Thin Me?

Not entirely sure but I have my own theories. Theories that, perhaps some other time, I will indulge upon. Then again... maybe not.

I know she's in there and she's trying... but I keep stuffing her full of food. She keeps asking for help but I shovel in another cookie or muffin just so I don't have to listen to her. But she's getting stronger and I can feel it. I can feel her trying to push through and one of these days... she's going to get out. And will she ever wreak havoc on life as I know it.

Bring it on.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The scale was my acquaintance this week. 

Down ALMOST a pound but not quite... but I can feel the difference in my body and my confidence. Still have a long way to go but I'm so getting there.

1. Last night, Mom and Papa were grilling out. I asked for a small hamburger and then Mom asked if I wanted her to set aside some potatoes for me. I said yes please. A little while later she returns and hands me a paper bowl with about 6 salt potatoes in the bottom sitting in about an inch of melted butter. Uhh... thanks Mom? I ended up cutting up 4 of them and stirring them in the butter to get them a little covered and then removed them to my plate, leaving the rest for someone else. I had my burger without a bun and with only ketchup and mustard... and a pickle. Which is free.

2. Today I completed Day Two of Week Three on C25K. It's a challenge but I'm doing just fine on it. This week I'm working on running 90 seconds and then walking 90 seconds... running 3 minutes then walking 3 minutes and then doing it all over. By the time I'm through my second 3 minutes running... I'm feeling it but the sweat is sweet.

Alice says she can still see the change in me. I can't really... other than the clothes... but it feels good. I sat down the other day and figured it all out... I've lost 5.8lbs of fat so far. I love that about my scale. It tells me the body fat % and the body fat weight. I keep track of it along with my actual weight. It's nice to see the numbers going DOWN and not up!

Well... I gotta keep my moving. My goals this week are to walk 10,000 steps 4 days this week and to make it 5 miles 3 days! Can't get there by sitting on my bottom!!

Happy Losing!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

In the midst of losing weight recently... I decided to take some new pictures of myself. I really just wanted some new profile pics for myself (none with duck-lips either!).

But I was kind of surprised at the results.

Can you spot the difference??

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last night I lamented to my brother about today's weigh-in. I felt I did "okay" but not "GREAT" and I was dreading the scale. But the scale was my friend... this week.

But what a busy week I had.

20,000 some - odd steps on Saturday alone. A very personal best as I struggle to get to 5,000 + above. When thinking about this, I picture myself as a race horse, lined up at the starting gate. When the gate goes up there's a cloud of dirt and the thundering of hooves but as all the dust settles, there's me -- way behind and slowly meandering and occasionally stopping to smell the flowers or graze on the bright green grass. But this week has blown me away.

Every Thursday I start a new "week" and I had set a goal to walk 10,000 steps - three days. After my 5K and walking -- not riding -- in the parade equaling my total of 22,107 steps (and yes, I *AM* bragging!) I figured I could take Sunday off. My legs needed it! Even getting out of bed was a challenge -- every time I stood up I felt like I should hear some kind of cheering but all I heard was the moaning and groaning from myself. But in the end, the 5K hyped me up. Adrenaline rush? You betcha! Not that I actually RAN it or finished it in a decent time frame, but that's not the point. It made me feel good. Confident. Gave me hope. It also sparked a flame inside. A need. A want.

I want more races.

     I want better times.

          I want to be able to RUN it . . . 
                                   . . . but I'll still register as a walker.

There's a program called "Couch to 5K" or C25K and my friend has been doing it. Says she feels great. She actually craves it. What the heck! Bandwagon? Sure as hell I'll jump on it! I was home alone Monday night. Unusual but I'll try it. Now, I'll use the treadmill but honestly, I'm not crazy about it. Hate that tipsy "I'm stationary but feel like I'm still moving" feeling. Running on the road is TOO public. Things jiggle where there should never be any jiggle. Plus I'm afraid I'll blow out my knee and be unable to get a hold of anyone. Run around the house? Momma always warned me not to to... but again... Home Alone.

After the five minute warm up... I've got this. The dogs are watching me curiously, but I don't care if they see jiggling... who are they going to tell anyway? Sixty seconds of running... first "lap". Okay, I CAN do this. No biggie! Ninety seconds of walking... not too bad (If you're unfamiliar with C25K... The first week starts with a 5 minute warm up followed by sixty seconds of running and then ninety seconds of walking until you've run a total of eight times... then a five minute cool down). By the second "Lap" I thought it was a piece of cake but my legs hurt and my blisters were tender. "I'll just go to number four and then stop".

     Yeah . . .

          . . . Okay.

"COME ON! KEEP GOING!" I told myself after finishing the fourth lap. On to the fifth. Then the sixth and before I knew it... I was being told to cool down.

Wait a minute! Back up! What just happened?

I finished. Week One - Day One complete... 10,000 steps plus achieved.

Next night ... Week One - Day Two complete... 10,000 steps plus achieved (Without the dogs watching me like I'm insane as I jog around my house).

The next night poses a problem as I'm not home alone. So... in the confines of my bedroom... Week One - Day Three complete.

      9,990 Steps.

               Go... Figure.

Fitbit's next challenge... 25,000 steps in a single day.

Able to clear tall building's in a single leap? Well... not so much.

     25,000 Steps in a single day. Maybe next week...
          ... Then again... Maybe not!

Happy Losing!

Ps. Down 3.1 this week!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I rarely write twice in one day... But today is a day to go in the history books.

Well... For me anyway...

I survived.

In the end... My time was 8:30a-9:28a. I could never do a MILE in that amount of time let alone a 5k. It was so awesome to see all the people cheering for me and my friend as we crossed the finish line and to stand up and receive a medal. I feel fantastic and full of life. I am happy. And I made a few friends too!

Fitbit says....

13,923 Steps
10 Flights of Stairs
7.27 Miles

All before NOON ... and on a saturday no less. 

Only two pretty icky blisters... but I'm thinking I have super sensitive feet. So not worried. They will get better. 

Happy Losing!